Akko x Male Reader x Diana: Nonstop Chariot Marathoning

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Summary: Diana is a woman who takes responsibility, especially when it comes to her well-meaning if reckless boyfriend and girlfriend. Normally a gentle scolding is enough but sometimes compromise is needed. And she doesn't necessarily mind those.

Word Count: 2907


Thesis, Antitheses and Synthesis. The basis of Hegelian Dialectics, a theory Diana always had a fond interest in, ever since childhood she liked comparing it to a perfect relationship. The partners would balance each other out by providing when one lacked in the other and vice versa. She never expected to get in a three way relationship but it seemed to genuinely work out based on Diana's little own theorizing.

At least that was what you would think based of Diana's description, the truth of the matter is that as much as you and Akko make up for her more workaholic and serious tendencies Diana has to work tenfold to deal with your combined carelessness.

Like this morning, she expected it to be any normal day-like that was possible with a girlfriend like Akko. But moreover she just waited for her two favorite people in the world to show up to brighten her morning, only for the two to never arrive. A quick questioning with her girlfriend's dorm mates said everything: The brunette was still in her dorm-with you after a supposed extravagant night. Akko's friends refused to say anything more, claiming it would be better if she saw it for herself.

Shaking away any uncouth thoughts she quickly made her way to the iconic dorm of red team. Wishing to make sure that her significant others won't get into trouble for being late...again. But as she politely with a hint of speed knocked the door she was presented with a most unkempt sight.

You and Akko, one still hugging her pillow like it was a teddy bear while you wiped your eyes. The messy shirts acting as pajama's portraying your mutual magical idol Shiny chariot in all her extravagant glory.

"Oh...Hey Dian." You muttered, looking like you were about to fall on the floor any second now. "Greetings." She began rather harshly. "Can you tell me what is the meaning of this?" Akko shuffled up from behind you, still clutching the pillow like it was her lifeline as she slurred out a response. "Last night we were just catching up on...the last season of...Shiny Chariot: Chiheisen-jō no bōken...!" Akko proceeded to use your shoulder as an ample pillow. Loud snores coming out of her.

Diana immediately recalled the name, even with Akko falling into her native Japanese at the end it was impossible for even a closet Chariot fan like her to not recognize the localized name of the Shiny Chariot cartoon. A relatively short running show made during her idol's prime, focused on the adventures of her and the many magical friends she made throughout the world. But even with the few seasons it had it did not mean you could healthily finish the show in one night!

And regardless of Nostalgia Diana could not let this stand. "You're telling me you wasted precious hours of either study or sleep for a children's show?"
"Hey! Time spent on Shiny Chariot is time well spent!" Akko yelled, widely awake just to defend the performer. "I'm not entering one of your arguments again Akko!" Diana coughed into her first. "We've wasted enough time as is, I urgently advise you to clean yourself up and make your way to the lessons."

She looked at the grandfather clock at the end of the hall. "Hopefully within the following five minutes." If you and Akko weren't awake earlier you would be now, as soon as Diana closed the door she could hear the worried screams of you and the rapid throwing of school books from Akko fluctuating through even the hallway. As Diana put her hair behind her shoulder and calmy made her way to the class she did not expect the trampling of feet to target her and take them in a supposed race against time.

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