Barbara x Male Reader: A Tale of "Woe" and Romance

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Summary: You and your (Secret!) girlfriend Barbara always sneak out in the middle of the night from your respective dorms to spend some time together in the moonlight. Devoid of any judging eyes, the both of you fear the consequences of what could happen if your relationship was found out. Like a tragic retelling of Romeo and Juliet, Or one of Barbara's more thrilling Nightfall volumes. When Diana however finds out about the two of you it becomes apparent some things may have been exaugurated, and not so secret at all.

Word Count: 2094


Something fishy was going on in Luna Nova.
And it wasn't the new supply of fish that came in.
Strange behavior has been noted during every midnight.
What's most peculiar is that one of it comes from Diana's dorm.

To be more in depth: Every night the dorm doors belonging to you and your team in the male dorm and the one belonging to the Cavendish's heir and her friends in the female dorms mysteriously open at the exact same time.
And that's everything the faculty has.
They tried begrudgingly installing some cameras to view the doors, yet every night the camera's would mess up before returning to the now closed doors again.

It was clear that someone, or some people were breaking curfew. And it was only Diana's reputation that kept the two groups from getting into any more trouble. But Diana knew this wouldn't last, and had an ample idea of what or who were the culprits.

The empty bed next to the sleeping Hannah said enough really.

Diana was still in her school clothes, expecting to walk out and thus not bothering to change or sleep at all. She could always use the extra time for studying.
She just hoped the teachers would forgive her breaking one of the rules to solve this mystery.
It was still difficult for Diana to find who she was looking for, and she felt no more stranger then when she hid from the adults that would normally praise her for being so diligent to the rules. While she hoped there would be an understanding later she felt it wouldn't be a good idea to break curfew right in front of them.

She was ready to call it quits. Diana's body felt tired then ever after constantly tiptoeing and hiding her way through the school and finding nothing. Groaning at the thought of the punishment she'll likely receive for breaking curfew for nothing, even with good intentions.

Then she heard the faintest of voices, coming from the sewer.

Only able to be really noticed if you're right outside of the entrance, ignoring everything around you except the faint whistle.

She couldn't help but almost slap herself. How couldn't she have thought of this before! It made complete sense with how her friend smelled four days ago despite claiming Amanda just pushed her into the river for some prank, when Amanda herself had no recollection. Then the former claiming she was lying as sweat dropped of her head.

Without a moment to lose she went into the Luna Nova sewers, making sure she wasn't followed as she continued her trek.
Finally she came upon her destination, the culprits of the latest mystery surrounding Luna Nova, or to be more accurate: Lovebirds.

The both of you were sitting. Barbara's back was turned away from Diana while you talked in grandeur with your eyes closed for dramatic effect, Diana would have laughed if she was anyone else at the ensuing chaos she caused with a simply cough.

Desperately balancing yourself to not fall into the water after your shock from the new entrée while Barbara turned around in shock and started backing off, bumping into you and almost letting the both of you fall into the water if it wasn't for Diana using her magic to keep the both of you still, you hugging each other before gently getting sat aside to the wall.

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