Jeanne x Male Reader: Crossing Swords

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Summary: Recently Jeanne has opened her very own Sword club for Luna Nova with your help, sadly thanks to her reputation everyone is scared of learning under her. Perhaps the skills you secretly possess could be a counterbalance to this stereotype and perhaps, open more closed personal emotions between you two.

Word Count: 2980


"And done!"

Jeanne shouted with cheer, nailing the final pin on the wide banner. A message proclaiming it was the first day of Luna Nova's very own (Secret!!!) sword club! Excitingly she climbed down from the folding stairs, almost losing her footing before she hit the ground. Running over to you and embracing you in a hug just as you finished up with cleaning one of the many knight statue's placed in the corners of the room. You still wonder how she smuggled these things in, probably the same way she managed to convince those faeries to let her own the room on top of keeping it a secret from the teachers.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked with your name at the end. "An entire room dedicated to the pursuit and improvement of sword fighting and the valor of the knight!"
"It certainly is, and with such an expert at the helm people are sure to come in droves." Arms wrapped you as Jeanne squeezed you tight. "You bet! But I couldn't have done it without my bestie!"

A hitch was in your chuckle. "Yeah..." The truth is you saw Jeanne as more than just a friend, ever since the time you saw her spar on her own your heart was smitten by the way she carried herself. The passion and professionalism she put in her skills that even an upcoming master like you was just enraptured by.

That's right, just like Jeanne you had a fixation for the sword and it's combat abilities, a part of it thanks towards your family's high medieval roots, even if you were minor or even considered among the peasantry what your family lacked in wealth they made up for in courage and bravery!

Sadly it seemed that your ancestors took all the bravery and courage from the family pot a bit too much as you are absolutely lacking in it. Once you got properly acquainted with Jeanne and really started to love her as more than just a swordfighter it should have been simple to talk about your mutual hobby and bond from there!

But yet you feared the consequences, what if instead of seeing you as a friend she started seeing you as a rival? What if you would disrespect her? What if you made a fool of yourself right in front of her? These thoughts to name a few made sure you kept you're hobby a secret as Jeanne kept her magical armor and sword spells from the teachers.

So you opted to bond with her a different way, becoming her friend and following her as you partook in whatever she wanted to do. And a genuine bond formed! You kept finding more reasons to affirm your genuine love for her, maybe even enough to finally open up? it would be too early, you hoped this club would be the final stretch needed to get close enough to Jeanne. By helping and supporting her passion, even if you willfully took many of your own expertise away from her eyes for the sake of your current relationship.

Back to the present Jeanne's patience was beginning to run out after your grand opening. "Ugh! Why is no one coming!" Jeanne suddenly yelled. The two of you had been sitting on a few folding chairs, waiting for some curious soul to enter the club. Yet it has been hours since you officially opened. "Jeanne? You did inform people of the club without letting it leak to the teachers, right?"
"Of course I did, I didn't bribe those faeries for nothing!" Before you could say anything more soft footsteps could be heard from outside the room, without a second thought as to who it could be Jeanne raced out of her seat to the door.

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