Her green eyes seemed to scan over every part about me, and it drove me insane.

Therefore, when I pulled to the end of our driveway and saw a white Mercedes flying our way, a part of me just knew it had to be her. I don't know why, but I did, and when I saw her blonde hair flowing around due to her windows being down, my assumption was right. My breath got caught in my throat as she smiled at me and Top, and when I finally built up the courage to wave back at her, of course, my friend had to butt in.

"You're ridiculous Cameron."

I slapped his chest at his words, not in the mood for his bull shit right now.

"Shut the fuck up Top."


I swear to God if he wasn't Sarah's boyfriend...

I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue, not wanting to encourage any more conversation about the mystery girl. Instead, I turned out of the driveway, right behind her, and continued on to the club house.

We were supposed to go golf today. Thankfully, Kelce was meeting us there, although, I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. I knew Topper would drag this out about the girl with Kelce, and they would both probably be getting on my nerves all day.

Though, I tried to keep my mind off of my two idiot friends as I followed the white car in front of me to our destination. A part of me wondered if she had moved into that house down the road that Rose had sold. It would make sense, since the blonde girl had came from that direction.

After a few minutes, I watched her turn right, as if she was heading to the club house, but she kept going, and stopped in front of the market instead.

"Dude, she's literally right there. Go talk to her."

How did I already know Top was gonna say something like that.


I turned the truck off and went to open my door, but my friend grabbed my arm, stopping me from going any further.

"This is the third time we've seen her in the past two days. Coincidence?"

I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm out of his grasp, getting out of the truck instead. I heard Topper grunt in response as he got out of my truck too, and the door slammed.

"You're such a pussy." He said as he came around the truck.

"No I'm not. She literally just got here, and I'm not about to jump on her like that."

I grabbed my golf clubs out of the bed of the truck, leaving it open for Topper to do the same, and closed it shut after he retrieved his own. We walked away from the parking lot at that, going straight to the entrance of the building.

"Still a pussy."

Was all he said while we kept our feet moving next to each other, but I just ignored him and looked over to the girl once last time as she got out of her car.

Damn, she was so cute.


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