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Y/n's Pov:

"Where are you?" I said in a playful voice.

I walked around pretending to look. "Are you under the stairs? Nope." I heard a small giggle from underneath the table.

"Hm, where could he be?" I pretend to question. I walked into the kitchen. I tapped my foot on the floor.

"How is he so good at this game." I heard another giggle. I quickly looked under the table.

"There you are!" He playfully screamed and ran into the living room.

I chased him until I grabbed him from behind and picked him up. He was laughing so much.

I laughed as well and set him on the couch. "Okay, now that I have found you it's time to get ready."

He whined a bit. "I don't want to get ready I want to keep playing." I smiled at him. "We can play another game later."

He sighed and nodded. I went and grabbed his shoes. I put one on after the other.

Right after I was done the front door opened.

Katsuki, Midoriya, and Ochaco entered. I stood up and smiled at them. "So how was it?"

Ochaco came over to me. "It was great, but everyone was sad you weren't there." I laughed.

"I just don't see the point, even if I went to the hero meetups I still get asked the same things and the same things always happen."

Midoriya jumped in. "Y/n's right. I mean I only go because I'm the number one hero but if I had a choice I wouldn't go."

Katsuki tched. "Well, that's the price of being the best. Better get used to it."

"Mama! Dad!" Ochaco kneeled and picked up her son. "Thanks for watching him again Y/n."

"It was no problem." Midoriya grabbed his son from Ochaco. "So how was Toshinori? He didn't cause any problems right?"

I shook my head. "Nope, he was great." Katsuki came over to me and kissed me. "Did you have fun at the hero meetup?" I asked.

He tched again. "No, just a bunch of people talking about their life, like a give a shit."

Midoriya gasp. "Kacchan!" He looked over at him and realized there was still a kid in the room. "Oops."

Ochaco sighed. "Well, we better get going. Oh, Y/n you're going to the Class 1-A reunion party right?"

I nodded. "Wouldnt miss it for the world." They both smiled and left.

Let me catch all guys up on some stuff.

After the battle, everyone tried their best to move forward. For some, it was easy for others it was stressful.

But we got there eventually. After UA, Midoriya was declared the new number one after one year.

Katsuki ended getting second and I got fourth behind Todoroki. Katsuki was disappointed but still congratulated Midoriya.

He asked if he was okay and Katsuki said 'if he had to lose to anyone it would be him.' I was extremely proud of him.

Two years later, All Might had passed away.

It was a sad time for everyone. I think it hit Midoriya the most since he looked up to All Might and he was his mentor.

A year later, Ochaco and Midoriya had a kid. They named him after All Might, in honor of him and took keep his memory alive.

Dad and pops ended up getting married after we graduated. They couldn't miss the chance.

My dad and pops adopted Eri and it was great.

Hitoshi did get into the hero course and is now an underground hero. He and Monoma have been dating for three years now.

And then my mother.

After she died, we cremated her and put her ashes in a vase in the living room.


Because I wanted her to watch what she could have had.

A family.

Before I attended UA I was Y/n Yamada, child of Hizashi Yamada, also known as Present Mic. I was a homeschooled kid who dreamed of changing the hero society.

Now I am Y/n Bakugo, child of Hizashi and Shota Yamada, along with my brother Hitoshi Yamada and my sister Eri Yamada

Married to Katsuki Bakugo, also known as Dynamight.

I am Mind Shifter, Hero Society Changer.

I felt two hands move around my waist. I turned around and looked at Katsuki. We smiled at each other and kissed.

When we pulled and I laughed a bit. "You know, I think you've gone soft for me." He smiled at me.

"Only for you."

890 Words⬇️⬇️⬇️

How was it?

Thank you so much to everyone and anyone who read through this mess.

But don't be sad that it's over because guess what! I'm making more fanfics.

I suggest checking out my other Bakugo x Reader- Second Chance! I think it's just as good as this one!!!

To keep up with updates be sure to follow me because I'll be posting when I'm releasing and what I'm releasing in the conversation tab.

Thank you again for reading. I'll be waiting for you in my other fanfics. 💜

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