Chapter 16

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Hero Names!

Bakugo's Pov:

Alright, listen up you shitty readers! It's my turn to tell the story. So SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN BEFORE I-

*Sorry, I forgot his leash! :/*

I walked into the class and saw Dunce face on my desk and Shitty hair sitting beside it. "Get off, Dunce face."

He got off and stood next to my desk. "Aw come on Bakugo you don't have to be so mean about it!" I ignored him and sat down.

"Anyway like I was saying before, we had a spark I felt it!"

"Nah, even if you did there's no way they did. Y/n's too good for you!"

That caught my attention. "What the hell are you extra's talking about?" I said annoyingly.

"Well, Kaminari says he and Y/n had a 'spark' during the Sports Festival and he wants to make a move today and ask them out!"

So this idiot wants to ask them out huh? Interesting. "Oh look there's Y/n now." I looked over.

They had walked in, went to their desk, and put their head down. Probably sleeping again.

"Alright, guys wish me luck!" He was about to walk away when I 'accidentally' extended my leg.

He tripped.

"Hey what was-" The classroom door opened. "Get in your seats, before I expel all of you." Dunce face got up, groaned, and went to his seat.

I better think of something.

Y/n's Pov:

I saw Iida talking on the phone in the hallway. I saw that he hung up so I walked over to him.

"Hey, Tenya!" I waved. He looked at me. "Oh, Hello Y/n do you need something?" I nervously laughed.

"Well, I wanted to know if Tensei was okay. I was gonna visit him in the hospital the other day but I got sick so I wanted to ask you."

Tenya seemed unhinged today. "Oh, Tensei's okay. But-" He paused, he was having trouble saying the words.

I grabbed his hand. "It's okay Tenya you don't have to say anything. I apologize for asking. Just take your time." I smiled at him.

He sighed. "Thank you Y/n I appreciate your kind words." He was about to walk away when I stopped him.

"Tenya if you need anyone to talk to I'm here. I like to consider us as friends so." He smiled at me. "Will do." And he walked away.

I was in class, and my classmates were talking about being on tv again. They're so excited, they don't know how much of a curse it is.

"Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here!" Kirishima nodded. "Yeah me too!"

Hagakure jumped up and down with excitement. "People on the street were staring at me! It was kind of embarrassing."

Only For You - K. BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now