Chapter 36

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The Truth Is!

Y/n's Pov:

I'm back at the dorms, laying next to Katsuki, with my eyes closed trying to get myself to sleep.

But I just can't, I don't know why it's like my body doesn't want to.

I was gonna get up to go get something to eat until I felt Katsuki get up from the bed.

I opened my eyes to see what he was doing, he was putting on his slippers. "Where are you going?" I asked.

He kissed my head. "I'm just heading to the restroom." I nodded and he left.

I was gonna ignore it until I realized we have a bathroom in our dorm rooms.

So why did he leave? Was he gonna use the ones downstairs? But why?

So of course I let my curiosity take control.

I put on my slippers and headed out the door, poking my head out to see if he was still around.

When I saw he wasn't I headed to the stairs since the elevator would be too loud.

When I got downstairs I quickly peeked into the boy's restroom just in case but nope he wasn't there.

I headed towards the window to see if he was outside and I saw him walking away with Midoriya.

What?! Midoriya?! I must have lost my mind!

I was gonna follow them but something told me not to so I sat down and waited for them to return.

*Twenty minutes later*

Dad came downstairs. He looked at me confused. "What are you doing up?"

"I'm waiting." He sighed and motioned me to follow him. When we headed out we saw All Might.

"Why are you here?" He asked. "I came to tell you the ones fighting are young Midoriya and young Bakugo."

They left to just fight? That can't be all.

"Why am I not surprised. I understand they at the practice field." Dad said. All Might nodded.

"Yes, but I wanted to catch you before you left." All Might asked him he would leave this to him.

My dad said fine. All Might nodded, turned around, and started walking away.

I looked at dad and he nodded. I ran after All Might and started walking beside him.

It was quiet until I asked. "What did you do All Might?" He sighed. "I'm sorry Y/n it's been complicated."

That didn't satisfy me. "I've known you my whole life. You have always acted a certain way so tell me why?"

I paused. "Why now, this year, act so differently?" He put his hands in his pockets and looked straight ahead.

"The truth is-"

When we made it to Midoriya and Katsuki, they had already finished their fight.

"Stop this right now. Both of you." Katsuki got off of Midoriya and looked at All Might.

"Why did you pick Deku? It's started when the sludge villain came, didn't it? So why him?"

All Might walked up to them. "He was powerless. But still more heroic than anyone else, I wanted to give him a chance."

All Might stopped where he was. "I knew you were strong young Bakugo." He paused.

"I knew you and Y/n were strong." Midoriya and Katsuki were shocked and looked at me.

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