Chapter 20

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Y/n's Pov:

I'm getting ready for my interview, which starts in ten minutes. I have to wear my hero costume because it's 'professional'.

But I don't mind it, I like wearing my hero costume.

I'm standing beside the camera waiting for my cue to go and sit on the guest chair. Best Jeanist and Bakugo are here with me.

Best Jeanist was telling me how to act.

"Don't say too much but also don't say too little. Also, try to answer with complete sentences not just 'yes' or 'no'. Keep the conversation going. Also-"

I laughed at how fast he was going. "I'll be okay Best Jeanist." He let out a breathy laugh. "I was going to say to just be yourself."

I smiled and nodded. Someone called out that they would be rolling in three minutes.

I was about to go on the guest chair when Bakugo grabbed my hand.

He came close to my ear. "You'll be great." I looked at him and smile. He let go, I went and sat on the guest chair.

Stupid asshole, being all nice and shit.

Someone yelled rolling and the interview started.

"Welcome back to Sakura TV. We have a special guest with us today. Please welcome Y/n Yamada!"

"Thank you so much for having me today." The host waved her hand. "The pleasure is ours." She smiled at me.

"Why don't we start the show by telling us about school. What is it like attending UA?" She asked.

I laughed. "Well if I had to describe it in one word I would say exciting. I've met some amazing people and made some amazing friends!" The host nodded.

"That sounds great! I've also heard you have a hero name now. Would you mind telling us?" She seemed excited for me to talk.

"My name is Mind shifter, the Manipulation Hero. Maybe one day it'll be Hero Society changer."

After the interview, Best Jeanist told me and Bakugo that we could go home. Thankfully Bakugo brought his car today so he's driving me home.

"Why don't you turn on the radio Hot stuff? It's so quiet!" He scoffed. "You know you can turn on the damn radio yourself."

I groaned. "But it's so far away!" He hit the breaks hard. "It's fucking right there!" I shrugged. "I'm too lazy for that."

He kept driving while swearing under his breath. It's funny to see him mad sometimes.

My phone began to ring. I picked it up and looked at who it was. Jirou was calling me.

Y/n: Hello Jirou!

Jirou: Hey Y/n. Um- can you meet me at the park I wanted to talk to you about something.

Y/n: okay sure I'll be there in a few!

I ended the call. She sounded a bit nervous, I hope she's okay. I looked at Bakugo.

"Hot stuff, I need to go to this park can you drop me off!" He groaned.

"Fucking fine." He started driving in the direction of the park.

We arrived at the park and he stopped the car. "Do you want me to wait or?" I nodded. "Yeah I don't have money for the bus so just wait here." He nodded.

Only For You - K. BakugoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz