Chapter 31

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Come Home-!

Y/n's Pov:

It's dark in here.

I'm chained to a chair in the center of the room. The walls, floors, and ceiling were painted black. The door was the only this that wasn't, it was bright red.

I tried to move my arms but it was no use. I looked around and saw someone standing in the corner of the room.

"Oh, you're finally awake." It sounded like that scar villain from earlier. He walked up and went behind me.

I heard the chains come undone. He quickly put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from running.

But I don't think I can run.

I can't feel most of my body. I don't know why though but I think if I tried to run I would just fall.

He came in front of me and started to undo the chains around my waist. It was dark but I could still see him.

"Do I know you?" The villain stopped and looked at me for a moment. He turned his attention back to the chains.

"Sorry sweetheart but you don't know me." He finally got the chains undone and lift me so I would stand.

Obviously, my legs had a different plan. I was wobbling to stand.

The villain put my arm around his shoulder and started walking.

We left that dark room and we're now in a grey-lit hallway. We kept walking until we got to another door.

He knocked and we just stood there. I heard someone from inside say 'come in'.

He opened the door and roughly dragged me inside.

I looked around at the villains in the room, Shigaraki was sitting on a barstool. Behind the bar was Kuroguri and some blonde girl.

Standing against the wall was that lizard villain and Big Sis Mag. In the center was the other villain I saw before I passed out.

And straight ahead chained up in a chair was Katsuki.

Shigaraki spoke. "Y/n. It's so nice of you to join us." I didn't say anything and just glared at him.

"We were just discussing Bakugo's options." He paused.

"But now that you're here we can discuss yours as well."

My options? Probably gonna tell me to join or die. Still, if they wanted me to join they wouldn't kill me.

No, instead they'd probably torture me until I'd agree to join.

The question is if I do refuse and they do torture me how long will it take until I break?

Shigaraki broke the silence. "I'll ask you one more time, Katsuki Bakugo. Will you join the League of Villains."

Katsuki looked over at me then back at Shigaraki. "Go throw yourself into traffic." I let out a breathy laugh.

Shigaraki hmmed. The t.v behind us turned on, showing UA faculty members to a press conference.

Eraser appeared, talking about how they take responsibility for the villain attacks that happened since school began.

What is this? Eraser hates being on t.v. So why is he doing this? I get that they're apologizing but shouldn't they be looking for us? This almost feels like- it clicked.

It's a diversion.

There's no one Eraser would go on t.v. Even at times like this.

No, he and Vlad King would be the first ones to start looking for us but they're not.

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