Chapter 29

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Alive Tonight!

Y/n's Pov:

We had to get up at 5:30 am to begin training. I'm so done with this school.

Everyone was yawning and some didn't even get the chance to do their hair. "Good morning class. Today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength."

He explained how this was supposed to help us get our Provisional licenses and that will allow us to face dangers.

We're doing all this for a piece of plastic. I'm kidding, provisional licenses are important.

"Look alive Bakugo." Eraser threw a ball at him and he caught it. He told him to throw it like in the fitness test.

In the beginning, it went 705.2 meters. I'm excited to see how much he's grown since then.

He started warming up his arm. Kirishima cheered him on. He got into his position to throw. "GO TO HELL!" Wow.

The ball went flying. Eraser announced the number. "That was 709.6 meters." Everyone was quite disappointed with that number.

"Your quirks really haven't grown that much stronger. Not on a fundamental level."

So we're improving our quirks. I think that's what I need to use mine better. "This'll be so hard, you'll feel like your dying. Let's hope you all survive."


Mandalay stood in front of me. "Okay explain your quirk Y/n."

"My quirk is Soundwave Manipulation. I can take sound waves and manipulate them to send different messages to the brain, making people do things."

She hmmed. "Anything else?" I nodded.

"It doesn't work on animals, if I use it for too long the people under get lovesick, the longer I use it the longer people forget about being under."

She nodded. "What about different types of soundwaves?" She asked.

"If it makes a sound I can manipulate it, I can manipulate vocal sound waves as well but it's not as easy as manipulating things like horns, instruments, bells, stuff like that."

She whispered something to Eraser then looked back at me. "How come?" I sighed.

"Vocal sound waves are much quieter than bells and horns sound waves. If the sound isn't loud enough for me to hear I can't manipulate it."

She nodded again. "Okay, I think I have the perfect thing." She grabbed something out of a bag and handed it to me.

"What is this?" I asked. "These are sound cancellation headphones. When you put them on you can't hear a thing!"

I looked at her confused. "But if I can't hear how will I use my quirk?" She laughed.

"You'll put on these headphones and try to manipulate sounds without hearing them. If you can do that then you can just manipulate things much easier!"

So I have to put these on and try to use my quirk without hearing things.

I just have to push myself to believe that I am hearing the sounds and manipulate them.

That sounds like it hurts.

"But that's not all!" I looked at her. "While you're trying to manipulate the sounds you'll also be fighting me!"

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