Chapter 35 - Hello

Start from the beginning

"I really don't like her."

"I know you don't, but guess what?"

"What?" Wanda said hesitantly, not sure where this was going.

"I'm back."

Wanda relaxed and let her smile take over her face again, "I know."

Just then their moment alone was cut short when the doctor entered with Steve.

"Now, Ms. Romanoff. Can I please get on with my assessments?" the doctor asked, seemingly a little irritated.

Natasha sighed and nodded and he began checking her vitals and flipping through her chart.

Wanda was confused at his attitude and looked to Steve, who gave a little cough and explained, "Well, she wouldn't let him check her out until she saw you."

Wanda turned back to Natasha, "That's pretty stupid you know. It's sweet, but stupid."

"Yeah well, I know what I want," Natasha replied.

Wanda couldn't help but smile. No matter how hard she tried to be annoyed at Natasha for getting herself hurt, she was just so glad to see her again.

The doctor continued his work, and once he got to the point of needing to remove Natasha's bandages Wanda and Steve excused themselves to wait outside so that Natasha had some privacy.

"Told you she was okay," Steve joked, gently prodding Wanda with his elbow as they waited.

"Yeah, but you have to admit that what happened earlier today was scary."

Steve nodded, "It was. Hill really ticked me off."

"Me too, but I think I was maybe a little mean in what I said to her," Wanda said guiltily.

"Yeah, well she can take it," Steve stated. Wanda had expected him to convince her to apologise to Maria, so was a little surprised that he didn't seem to mind.

She didn't have much time to think it over before the doctor came back out into the hall.

"Well, how is she?" Steve asked.

"She's suffered multiple fractures and a number of internal injuries. Anyone else would likely be dead from a fall like that but her serum has helped make sure that didn't happen. She needs a lot of rest and time to heal, and we'll keep an eye on the internal damage but for now it doesn't look like she'll need much intervention from me. All going well, she could be back on her feet within a few weeks."

"Thank you, doc," Steve sighed, relieved, shaking the doctors hand.

"Not a problem, Captain. Thank you for your service," the doctor replied.

The doctor walked off down the hall and Steve made to return to Natasha's room. He stopped when he saw Wanda wasn't following.

"You coming?" he asked.

"One second. Go ahead," she gestured to Steve before following the doctor down the hall.

"Excuse me," Wanda called after the man, "Doctor?"

The doctor turned and waited for Wanda to catch up to him.

"How can I help, Ms...?"

"Maximoff. Wanda," she introduced herself.

"Hello Ms. Maximoff, I'm Dr. Roberts," he replied. Now that he wasn't annoyed at Natasha refusing medical care he actually seemed quite cheery.

"I just had a question, about Natasha."

"Of course. Ask away."

"She's been away for a long time, and I was just wondering how long it would be before she could be moved out of the medical bay and back to her room?"

"Ah yes. Well once the internal injuries have resolved themselves that should be fine. We can make sure her fractures are corrected so that they heal properly, but once that's done she can move back to her own room and resume a bit more of her normal routine."

"Great," Wanda smiled.

"That being said Ms. Maximoff, by normal routine I mean normal if you're not an Avenger. No throwing cars or jumping out of burning buildings for a good while."

"Understood, Dr. Roberts. Thank you again so much for everything."

"Not a problem, and if you need anything else I will be around so please do not hesitate to come and find me."

"I will," Wanda assured him before saying a polite goodbye and heading back to Natasha.

When Wanda entered the room, she was almost again floored when she caught a glimpse at Natasha smiling at her. Steve was in some ramble about what she had missed while she was gone, and didn't seem to notice right away that Natasha's eyes were fixed on Wanda from the second she entered, and that she was simply no longer listening.

"Steve," Natasha interrupted, "I am so sorry, but can you just give Wanda and I a second?"

"Of course," Steve smiled, before excusing himself and saying he would be back to check on her later.

Once the door closed softly behind him, the two were alone again.

"Hi," Wanda said, slowly moving up towards Natasha's bed.

"You said that already," Natasha smirked.

"I missed you," Wanda repeated.

"You said that too."

"I can go if you want you know?" Wanda joked.

Natasha reached out and grabbed her hand, "Don't you dare."

Wanda smiled.

"You know," Natasha started, "This wasn't how I pictured I would be coming back to you."

"Me neither," Wanda shook her head.

"I did realise something while I was away though," Natasha began, and Wanda cocked her head for her to go on.

She continued, "I realised that I really, really, don't want to be away from you."

"Well good, because you're not going anywhere."

The two looked at each other thoughtfully for a second before Wanda began to laugh. It was a deep, pit of your stomach laugh and she couldn't seem to stop. Natasha had no idea what was going on, and even considered for a second that the doctor had given her too high a dose of pain relief.

"Wanda?" Natasha asked.

"It's stupid," Wanda stated, trying to stop herself laughing.

"What is?"

"It's nothing," Wanda dismissed, still laughing.

"Wanda..." Natasha repeated, so that Wanda knew she wasn't going to drop this.

"I just, I got it in my head that when you came back, it would be different, like you wouldn't be interested any more. That you would have chosen Maria," Wanda admitted, her laugh dying off.

"You're right," Natasha said flatly, and followed it with a long sigh.

Wanda stopped laughing, and watched Natasha closely.

"It is stupid," Natasha smiled.

Wanda gave her a gentle tap on the arm, and the two shared a laugh together.

It really was stupid, and Wanda could tell by the way that Natasha looked at her that nothing had changed in their time apart.

This was real.

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