The front desk was surprised to see the old uncle, “Coach, why did you come in so early? Did you come for today’s interview?”

Tyron: “...” Oh, so you were praising your own team on the bus?

Coach: “Cough.”

The receptionist turned around and noticed Tyron, their eyes turning red with excitement, “Lord Four is here too! Please, come in. Our team is currently playing practice matches, so we can give it a try now that you’re here.”

Tyron: “Yes.”

Coach: “...” Lord Four? Embracing Buddha’s feet and praying on the bus?!

The coach made the introductions for Tyron: “Our team’s lineup usually consists of two tanks, one support, and three DPS. The core position that we’re currently missing is the DPS that is harvester DPS who is specifically responsible for sweeping through the battlefield and collecting kills. Let me introduce you to others.”

Based on seniority:

The deputy tank was the commander and captain of the team. He was responsible for accomplishing the mission objectives, coordinating the team members, and maintaining the rear formation. Normally, each team member would listen to his commands. He was a scourge knight, and his distinguishing features were that he was rather well-balanced and very tanky, allowing him to have a high survivability as well as provide timely assistance.

The main tank was a pure tank that was usually set at the front to absorb damage. He was a big shield warrior, and his defining feature was his huge two-handed shield. All of his skills were defensive.

The support also doubled as the second-in-command, taking over whenever the captain died or was unable to command. He was a goblin summoner that provided all kinds of assistance. He could heal as well as apply and remove status effects, or even assist with damage output.

The main DPS was now absent. This had originally been the core of the team who was responsible for harvesting lives.

The secondary DPS position was responsible for using attacks to suppress the other side in a frontal attack. They were a gunner class, and would often set up a cannon on the spot, indiscriminately bombing at the other side to suppress them and using their firepower to shield their teammates.

The third DPS was responsible for protecting the rear. They were a puppet summoner class, which was characterized by summoning puppets that they could simultaneously control at any time. The puppets were fast and had control abilities, so they often provided assistance in protecting the rear as well as the gunner.


Very quickly, the five team members had come out to greet Tyron, but because they were not sure if they would end up as teammates, they didn’t seem too enthusiastic.

The coach immediately opened the door and said, “Now that everyone is here, let’s play a practice match. Have the second team come over in order to act as sandbags. We’ll randomly select two maps, and the mode will be... We’ll start with the slaughter mode.”

The rules for slaughter mode: Each team had a quota of 20 lives, which would be deducted from every time a teammate died and resurrected. The team that used up their quota of lives would be judged as the losers.

Vanguard of the Eternal Night (BL)(Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя