After a long delay, Lu Chaofan gritted his teeth and said, “No... no difference. You’re a— AHH—“

He screamed shrilly, and then discovered that he had not been killed and turned into a flash of white light.

Tyron had merely made a casual cut between his eyes, leaving an incomparably precise line of blood that seemed to vertically divide his entire body into two halves—before slicing off the belt at his waist.

Tyron spoke lazily, “The difference is that hearing ‘mixed blood’ makes me unhappy; but hearing ‘hybrid’ makes me extremely unhappy.”


Tyron disappeared into the darkness once again without saying anything else.

Lu Chaofan was sweating all over as he strived to fix his belt and cover up a pair of hairy thighs. He was finally able to free up his hand and cover his bleeding nose, slowly moving forward along the corridor in an embarrassed manner.

But he couldn’t kill himself. He couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing during this match where so many eyes were watching. Otherwise, other than losing so badly, he would also lose face and be faced with accusations of ‘passive play’. By then, what kind of dignity would he have left even if he managed to win?

While he was thinking these thoughts, Lu Chaofan suddenly saw Tyron’s figure as it turned the corner up ahead!


Tyron seemed to be setting up some traps along the wall as he waited for his opponent to approach.

Lu Chaofan’s heart jumped, and he rushed forward for two steps before suddenly stopping in place.

Vigilance arose in his heart. He slipped cautiously into another corridor, then manoeuvred until he was coming at Tyron from the side. After surveying the situation, he activated Stealth and approached Tyron from behind.

He tracked the distance in his mind: five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters...

Lu Chaofan lunged forward, ready to plunge a dagger into the unprotected back of Tyron’s neck.

Suddenly, his body stopped moving.

A trap gripped his right foot, and the familiar toxin contained within invaded his body, causing him to be <paralyzed> for several seconds.

It had never occurred to him that this match would deviate so completely from his script, and that he would ultimately end up falling into his own trap.


Only then did Tyron turn around, his actions leisurely as he stretched out a hand to pat Lu Chaofan lightly on the cheek as though checking the stiffness of his face.

“I’ve heard that you’re an expert in traps. You predicted many of your opponents’ behaviour patterns, and won a lot of games in miraculous ways.” Tyron said, “So, does taking into account every conceivable possibility include forgetting where you put your own trap at the start of the match?”

Lu Chaofan was trembling all over, but it was unclear if it was due to rage or humiliation.

But a few seconds later, his mind was filled with dread.

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