chapter 37

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Penelope Rhodes

-March 31-

I awoke abruptly, still on the couch, to someone screaming, although I had no idea what about.

"ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN!!! YOU DID NOT!!!" I flinched as the loud shrieks coming from Hayden could most likely wake the dead.

"It's payback, Hay! A little cosmetic work for you to get back for the cosmetic work on me!" Ash laughed, motioning to his very manly smooth leg.

I noticed Hayden standing in the living room in a robe, seething, pointing to her now ice blue hair. As entertaining as it was to watch her try to beat the crap out of her boyfriend while she was almost 9 months pregnant, I knew that she deep down loved it. She always wanted to dye her hair blue but she could never muster up the courage to do it herself or get it done.

"Ugh that's so unfair!" She pouted.

"Babe, it looks so good on you though! It's not super blue either, probably because I wasn't sure how much to use in the bottle, but it looks so so good!" He tried to reconcile with her.

" I know it does!!! I don't know who I'm more pissed at: you for putting hair dye in my shampoo or me for not dying it sooner!" She freaked.

"Pregnancy hormones..." Luke whispered under his breath.

"What was that Luke Robert Hemmings? You wanna REPEAT THAT, HUH?! You listen here, you little bitch, I do not need YOU telling me about what is going on in my body because I am very well aware that I am a mess!" She approached him slowly as she screamed at him and by the end of her rant, she was crying in Luke's arms.

"Okay, Hay... shh.. Shh.. that's it. See you're going to be alright... it's alright..." he tried to console her, rubbing her head, while he mouthed "what the hell" to me and Ashton.

We all tried to hide back laughs as we pondered the situation we were currently in.

Once Hayden had calmed down from her little outburst, we all took the time to start getting the house ready for when the baby comes some time in the next few weeks. The nursery was painted and decorated, stocked with tons of diapers, nipples, and onesies. There was minor baby proofing that was previously done to the house and the boys were testing it out today, making sure it was pretty much idiot proof..... It was.

That night, we decided to glam up and go to one of the newest and hottest restaurants in town. Hayden styled her new gorgeous blue hair and pulled on a loose dress and sandals because her feet were swollen. I threw on some wedges and a dress as well before we both grabbed our bags and went to meet the guys in the living room.

We left for dinner and waited for our table once we got there. We talked a lot at dinner, mostly about life and what's going to happen when the baby comes and such. Calum even opened up a little to everyone tonight about what's been going on in his head lately and he looked really good. He looked well rested and level headed.

When we got home, I half expected Hayden to have some huge payback prank waiting for Ashton but it seems that since she wasn't even mad about her hair that the prank war may be finally over.

It was an early night and I was pleased to say that falling asleep in Luke's arms was one of the best feelings I've ever had. What feels even better, though, is getting to do it every night.

Hayden Jackson

We had settled in for bed, me propped up a little more than Ashton with a pillow in between my legs, and I found it comforting to know that Ashton and I are in this together. My stomach felt a little weird after we got home but I'm sure it was just whatever I ate at the restaurant not agreeing with me.

I fell asleep around 11 to the sound of Ashton's heart beat.

-3:24 am, April 1-

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach. I tried to catch my breath but the pain was unbearable. I tried to wake Ash up as I gripped onto his arm for support but he wouldn't budge.

"Ash... Ashton please wake u- Holy dear GOD!" I screamed as another one hit me, making him jump out of his previous slumber.

Was I going into labor?!

"Hayden what's going on?" He asked me groggily.

"Ash.. it's time." I told him. He looked at me for a minute before I said "Ashton, I think I'm in labor."

"Hahaha very funny Hay. Really, you can knock it off. If you're that unhappy with your hair we can change it back but I thought you liked it? Anyway, I get it, it's April Fool's Day and you're getting me back but knock it off, that isn't funny messing around about going into labor." He lectured.

The rush of water that came out of me and onto the floor answered my question. I was indeed going into labor and he thinks it's a joke.

"Ashton I'm not kidding! My water just broke you asshole!!!" I screamed as the contractions started coming closer together. His eyes bulged as he realized exactly what was happening and he rushed out of the bed repeatedly apologizing for not believing me.

"ASHTON!!!" I screamed and cried as another one hit. He was running around in a haste to get everything ready for the hospital.

"Hay?" I heard P question from the doorway. She was rubbing her eyes, meaning I probably woke her up.

"Oh, P. I'm so sorry I wo-OKE YOU! DAMMIT ASHTON!" I cringed as another ripped through me.

Penelope ran to my rescue, letting me squeeze her hand while Ashton got everything ready to go.

"Now? She's ready?" She asked m quietly, with stars in her eyes.

"Oh she's ready, alright. It feels like she's ripping her way through my uterus!" I cried as the pain intensified.

"Ash, her contractions are like 3 minutes apart. We need to get her to the hospital now or this baby is coming out on your floor," She advised.

We gathered our last minute things and the hospital bags and we made our way into the living room where we found three sleepy boys.

"Guys you really don't have to come with us right now. Get some sleep and come in the morning because I'm sure that she'll be in labor for a while. I read that first labors can take up to 24 hours." Ashton tried to tell the boys but they resisted, getting their shoes on and following us out the door. They helped Ashton carry all of the stuff to the car before they got in their own and we went to ours.

"P... please come with us..." I pleaded and she complied.

She sat in the back with me as Ashton sped down the road to the hospital. I screamed the whole way there and probably broke Penelope's hand but I couldn't worry about that right now. All I was worried about was if my baby girl was going to be okay because she is almost 3 weeks early.

"Fuck my back hurts!" I cried as he pulled up into the ambulance bay. He got out of the car and helped me out as he chucked his keys to P to go park the car.


a/n: asdfgjklh;! we bout to have a lil baby runnin around muah

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