chapter 3

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Penelope Rhodes

That night, Hayden did not leave me alone. She knew something was wrong but I couldn't find it in me to tell her, already feeling emotionally drained from my little breakdown in front of Luke Hemmings earlier. I know she realized I hadn't eaten anything but she let it slide because she knew I was upset.

I woke up the next morning with one wish: to never see Luke Hemmings again. I showered and got myself ready for the day ahead of me, leaving before Hayden since my classes started earlier today.

My professors bored me to death from 8:20 to 4:30 but it was all worth it because I didn't have classes on Fridays. My last class of the day, Music Appreciation, had to be the easiest class I've ever sat through. Believe me, I wouldn't take this by choice- it's required by every student- I just didn't take it last year. I was sat beside some junior who I guess hadn't taken the class yet either.

He had deep brown slightly curly hair and looked asian with his dark eyes. He was wearing tight black jeans, black boots, and a random band t-shirt but he didn't look dangerous like another guy I unfortunately know that wears tight black jeans and black boots.

"Calum Hood, music major," he introduced himself as he saw me staring, giving off a slight chuckle. Aw, he's so cute.

"I'm sorry... Penelope Rhodes, nursing major, but you can just call me P," I told him, slightly blushing.

"Alright, P, well then you can call me Cal. That's what my friends call me," He smiled sweetly. Wow, he was beautiful and so nice.

"Okay, Cal," I chuckled at him. I'm surprised he's a music major and only taking this class now but I mean I totally understand.

"P, would you like to come to a party at my frat house tonight?" He asked nicely but when he saw my uncertainty he faltered saying, "if not that's totally okay too I was just wondering to, you know, be nice."

"No, um I'll go... parties just aren't my scene but can my roommate come?" I asked him, knowing Hayden will eat this all up.

"Of course! I'll text you the address!" He smiled, reaching for my phone.

We exchanged numbers and I found out he's a super nice guy and his eyes twinkle when he talks about playing the bass and how one day he hopes to be famous or even in a band. It's adorable.

Class ended and I was on my way back to my apartment after I said goodbye to Calum. I went back to the apartment and right into Hayden's room since I knew she was already home.

Unlike my room, Hayden's room had stark white walls and as an accent wall, behind her bed was a navy blue and white mandala tapestry for a splash of color. She had lights above her desk on the wall across from the one her bed is on and instead of her wall being pushed to the side of the wall in the corner like mine, hers was in the middle of her wall. She had a white fuzzy blanket as well but paired it with navy blue tie-dye sheets and cute pillows. She had her pictures on the wall on the right of her bed and a big quote in the middle of them all saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words." I loved it, it's so cute and tumblr.

"Hayden!" I squealed as I barged in, noticing she was taking a nap, sprawled out across her bed. I yelled her name again and again until I got her to wake up, finally.

"This better be good that you interrupted my nap," she grumbled into the pillow she was previously sleeping on.

"Well, some really cute guy in my music appreciation class invited us to a party at his frat house tonight and we're going! It's not really my scene; he knows that because I told him, but I mean we would come for a little and that's what I intend to do. I need to get back out there," I said positively.

"You were never out there," she mumbled quietly but I heard her anyway. I just ignored it and rolled my eyes, knowing that she was grumpy I woke her up but she got up and started to get ready nonetheless.

She handed me an outfit from her closet and there was no way I was leaving the house in that. Unfortunately though, it's Hayden and not only did she make me put it on, she made me match it with wedges. It was a two piece short set and it showed my mid-drift. It was white and was a halter top, leaving most of my back exposed and the trimming around the top had cute little lace flowers. The shorts were the same with the lace on the bottom but they were pleated and it actually didn't look that bad on.

I stepped into the death traps- I mean wedges and finished my hair and makeup before Hay and I ventured to the address Cal had sent me, not really knowing what to expect. All I know is that if I see Luke there, I'm leaving.

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