^^ Later that day ( lunch time ) ^^

Once my previous class was over I hurried to the courtyard, I sat by the biggest tree in the courtyard and sat my books down. I took a seat on the ground waiting, soon one by one started to arrive.

We ate our lunch and talked for a bit, before we knew lunch was over. Goodbye's were said and they left to their class.

I had a few pieces of trash so I walked to the outside trash can and threw them away. When I turned around I bumped into someone. I look up and locked eyes with the last person I wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?", I asked backing away from her.

"Oh are you scared Samantha?", she smirked as she got closer.

"Hannah just leave us alone!", I glared at her, I could already feel the anger building up.

"I've been gone for many years now, but this time I'm not leaving", she said and walked over to me tugging my hair harshly. I tried to get away, but her grip tighten around my hair.

"Listen to me, I'm back now so your no longer safe, I suggest you protect your werewolf friends wouldn't want anything to happened to them or you" she smirked shoving me, making fall on the ground.

She turned away and walked away with her friends laughing as if nothing had happened. I stood up and brushed my clothes, removing the dirt.

I was furious beyond mad you could say, I wanted nothing but wish that she was never back.

I grabbed my books off the table and headed to class. Halfway through class I noticed that one of my notebooks was gone. Remembering now I think I could of left it on the table in the courtyard.

*Skipping to the end of the day*

Once the last bell rang I grabbed all my belongings and headed to the courtyard. I walked to the table I sat earlier and surprisingly my notebook was still there.

I kneeled down and picked it up, in the the process a old looking paper more like newspaper fell out of my notebook.

I picked the newspaper up and it had a old look article. As I took a glance at it something caught my eye. There seem two sentences in bold all the way in the bottom.

'Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works, and so on. Up until doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.'

'Everybody is a book of blood, wherever we're opened, we're red.'

I finished reading the last sentence, the atmosphere seemed to change it became a lot colder than normal. I look up as the clouds started to block the sun, allowing darkness to take over.

I took my phone out, quickly sending a text to my mom, when suddenly the screen froze revealing a white screen followed by a eerie sound.

Upon hearing that I dropped my phone, moving away from it. I threw my book bag over my shoulder and ran.

I ran through the woods, I was lost and frightened I didn't know where I was heading too. I started to walk again as I got further in the woods, I see something further ahead of me.

The further I walked the closer I became to the thing, that's when I came across a large empty build-in pool. I started to walk past it, having no clue on where to go.

Everything was quiet, also I noticed there wasn't a single human out that made everything more creepier than before.

After walking for a while I stopped in front of a big building, it looked abandoned and empty. I hesitated before entering the building. With a creek the door opened, I stepped in and there were only a few light bulbs working.

The windows were all broken, dirt and dust covered them. The whole place was empty except for a small looking bench next to the window. Seeing the bench I realized I haven't taken a break.

I sat on the bench ignoring the fact that it was covered in dust. I brushed my hair out of my face and turned to look at my left.

There were a few books stacked on top of each other and some marbles scattered around them. I stood up walking over to the books, I took my emergency flashlight out of my book bag and turned it on.

I wiped the dust that was on the top book and shined the light on it. I couldn't really tell what it said due to how old the book was but I said something like...


I jumped startled as I heard a strange sound. I started to shine the light all around the building. The light bulbs started to flicker on and off. I got goosebumps as I felt a strange feeling. I jumped again and screamed as something whispered in my ear..


I ran towards the nearest door and threw it opened, running out of their as fast as I could. I stopped outside on the steps to catch my breath. I looked around and realized this was the building's backyard.

The only way out was being blocked by the gate. I paced over to it and shook it. Frustrated I knew it was no use as the gates contained many locks. I had no choice but to climb over it.

As I jumped over the gate i landed on my feet, fixing my shirt as I noticed there was a hole on it now. I groaned but keep on walking. I looked over my shoulder as I heard a few noises behind me, but shrugged it off as noticing it might only been the wind.

I turned back and screamed as I ran into a stranger, in a flash my vampire side came out. I lurked up sinking my fangs into the person's neck. He fell as I felt my normal self coming back. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve backing away from the stranger that was now laying on the floor.

I looked at the sidewalks and saw that their were broken toy airplanes along with other toys. In the distance I started to see something moving in the middle of the street. The closer it became the more I could tell what it was.

Eventually I stopped in front of it and saw that its a spin toy. Its spinning in the middle of the street but there's no one out? I picked it up and examine it, as I looked over it I started to feel the wind pick up.

I let go of the toy as a unnatural strong wind started to happened, I got down on my knees and covered my face. I shivered as I felt the wind hitting against my body.

I stood back up as the wind seemed to fade away. I walked down the silent street, my shoes clicking and echoing through the dark and empty streets.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the hot tears run down my face. Never had this happened and it was truly terrifying. Could it been Hannah?

'I'm back'

'No longer safe'


My head already felt like it was gonna explode any second. I spotted a single house by a cemetery, 10 white sheets in the backyard. All lights seemed to be off inside the house, meaning finding help their wasn't available.

My mood seem to changed as I finally started to see the familiar houses and streets. A smile spread across my face as I stopped in front of my house. I let a relieve sigh as I jogged up the steps.


I'm so sorry for not updating any earlier 😭😭😪

I had so many things to do
And this chapter took longer to write do to the hints I put in it 😏🙈

Also this chapter was inspired by EXO'S teasers ( if you couldn't tell their we're a lot of things on here that we're in the teasers.)

I really hope you enjoyed and ill update soon again 😘

Why is this so such a long authors note? 😂😂

Anyways ILY all and please don't forget to vote, comment and share 💕😘

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