Jasmine gave a weak smile before letting out a "thank you."

"Leave us." Mummy said and the ladies in the room sauntered out. "Aidah come." she said again as Aidah was leaving the room.

Mummy sat on the bed, close to the mirror and held Jasmine's hands. She burst into tears and hugged her mother.

"Mummy I'm having a bad feeling about this. Muslim doesn't love me mummy." She said in between sobs.

"But do you love him?" Mummy asked. "No I don't wallahi  mummy not even a weeny."

Mummy stroked her back and said, "it's okay, just pray everything will be fine" they let go, she held Jasmine's shoulders, looked into her eyes and said, "I'll also help you do that in Shaa Allah." She added and let her finished sobbing before she continued,

"Jasmine Usman Sa'ad...you're now a married woman, you're responsible so I don't need to inform you of your responsibilities, you know them quite well. So please, do your best to discharge your duties. Let go of bad friends, I repeat, Jasmine let go of bad friends else, they'll destroy your life in ways you never imagined. Show Muslim love and care, I'm sure he'll learn to love you, right now he's still in grief of his girlfriend's death but when you show him love, he'll forget about her and you will be the love of his life. Jasmine don't harm him in anyway, don't ever try such. I know you that's why I'm saying you shouldn't harm him so please don't. You're no longer under us, but him, he's ahead of you. Respect him, love him, appreciate him, protect him, console him, advice him, they are all your duties. May Allah bring an eternal love to your family and bless you with beautiful children with beautiful hearts like yours..." With that being said, and even more, she smiled and wiped Jasmines tears, she kissed her forehead and left.

"Aunty Aidah." Jasmine called, and it was another round of tears.

"Uh uh Jasmine don't, don't cry, pray, He listens." She hugged her, "just do as mummy says and you shall succeed."

"Aunty Aidah I have to cry, let me cry the pain in my heart. I miss Sadeeq." she cried.

"Sister." It was Sa'eeda from the door. "Oh sisters." She said and went in when she noticed the two of them.

"The photographer is here. You've been crying right sister?" She said and went to adjust the makeup on the bride's face.

Photos were snapped, joyous moments were shared with the few trusted people that attended. There was something Jasmine was feeling, which she didn't know.

Getting married to Muslim meant not being able to have Sadeeq all for herself, she remembered those nights she would wake up and pray for them, the fastings she did just for them, the sadaqah and all. So now she's stuck with Muslim forever, no, capital N-O, something must be done.

At around 4:30 in the evening, the bride, her best friend and her family were on their way to the Muslim's home. The bride was to be taken there before going to her own house. Jasmine met Hajiya, as usual, they cracked jokes and played like friends irrespective of them being inlaws. Jasmine almost forgot she was in pain because seriously, the group of people around her were sweethearts and darlings...

After Isha prayer, the bride, Aidah, Sa'eeda, Aisha, Hafsat and some few more people made their way to Jasmine's matrimonial home in a convoy of just 5 breathtaking flashy cars.

In no time, they were in front of the house, probably a home to Jasmine. They alighted the car and went with the bride to the interior, they took a survey of the house and left the bride veiled in her room, on her bed. After everyone left, the bride thought of whether to wait for her husband and do everything culturally, but then, will it even be possible? So she shrugged.

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