Chapter Fifteen - The Diary

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Saturday 13th December 2014
On the plane
Dear Diary ,
I'm sitting on a plane right now on my way to Port Talbolt. I'm quite excited actually. I thought I'd be really upset but I'm seeing this as a new beginning so I'm going to make the most of it.

Saturday 13th December 2014

Dear Diary ,
I arrived at the house just a while ago. Its really late and I'm really tired. I think I have a bit of jetlag but not that much. I'm just going to go to sleep now in my new room. That's another thing I should write about. My new room is quite big and I can't wait to decorate it. Going to sleep now.

Monday 15th December 2014

Dear Diary ,
I can't believe that I made a new friend today. Two new friends actually! One of them is a lovely girl called Zoe , she's in my homeroom and all of my other classes. I also met a really nice boy called Leondre but he likes to be called Leo. If you ever see him then you'll notice that he has perfect eyes. Leo has a brother called Joey and a sister called Matilda. Leo's mom seems really nice aswell , she's called Victoria. Leo had to walk me home from school because my dad forgot to pick me up. I only just realised that I said homeroom , people here sometimes like to call it form or sometimes house or whatever. I also just realised I've been talking about Leo a lot.

Thursday 18th December 2014

Dear Diary ,
I got ran over on Tuesday. I know it sounds weird but I jumped out in the road to save Tilly. Leo told me that some girls were mean on Tuesday so he took me to meet Charlie , we went back to his house , I got ran over and then I woke up today. I'm not feeling too good so I'm going to try and sleep.

Friday 19th December 2014

Dear Diary ,
OMG! I can't believe it! Last night Leo asked me out! And I said yes! He is so cute ♡ I can't wait to tell Taylor. I probobly won't write for a while because I'm very excited.

Tuesday 17th February 2015

Dear Diary ,
Today we're all going home to Nashville because Sean is feeling homesick. Me and Leo have broken up. I feel all smashed up inside but I'm putting on a brave face. Leo gave me a bracelet that's adorable. Don't blame me if I don't write for a while. I'm not in the mood.

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