Chapter Five

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I woke up at 08:00. It was a Saturday. My birthday! I climbed out of bed and put on my uggs before bouncing down to the kitchen. My dad was sitting in there helping Mack with her food. She may be two years old but she still needs help. I sat down in the chair beside Mack's and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Plant that kiss" I started

"Help it grow" said Mack.

"Into a beautiful memory" I finished off. I made that up one day when Mack was throwing a tantrum. We live on a farm and one day she fell over in the mud. She was still only a baby then so she got a bit upset so this is what I told her and she seemed to cheer up.

"Happy Birthday honey" my dad said.

"Thank you daddy" I said.

"I can't believe my little girl is turning 16" he said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Hold on , I'm not your little girl , Mack is your littlest girl and soon you'll be having yet another little girl" I said

"But you'll all still be my little girls. My three angels" he said.

"Our three angels" my mom said walking into the kitchen.

"Aw y'all are making me blush" I said.

"Why don't you grab some breakfast and then get ready? We're going at one o clock to go and set up by the stage" my mom said.

"Ok" I said pouring myself some porridge. I then poured milk over it and put it in the microwave.

"Do you remember your friend from Wales?" asked my dad.

"What one?" I asked.

"Well actually any of them , Zoe , Leondre , Leondre's sister?" my dad said.

"Tilly? Yeah I remember them , Leondre was texting me last night. I get an occasional like or comment off Tilly on instagram and facebook and I talk to Zoe sometimes , not all the time but sometimes" I said truthfully. The thing that scares me most is that if I went to Wales now Tilly would be 13 years old. I know it's just an age but she was only 11 when I saw her last , now she's a mini teen. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mom putting my bowl back down infront of me. I hadn't even heared the microwave beeping.

"Thinking of someone special?" my mom teased.

"Not really , just daydreaming and also if you're going to make jokes like that today then you should know that Caleb wants me to hang out with him today" I said trying to sound casual.

"Does he now? Well what if there's an old friend at your party? Somebody that is way more interesting than Caleb and your family are going to be at this party" said my dad.

"Well yeah but I can make time for everybody else , I know Caleb says he's never busy but I know he is. He likes people too much" I justified.

"Honey , we have a huge suprise for you at this party so maybe you can invite Caleb here tomorrow and you can hang out all day" my mom said.

"Alright" I agreed. I eat my breakfast quite quickly. Then I got in the shower and then began to get ready.

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