Chapter 26

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A few days passed by. Being a Saturday everyone was either at the loft or gone somewhere. The boys all went to train for their final game while the girls went out. Peter stayed with Derek and Stiles at the loft engrossing himself in a book.

It was already in the afternoon. Derek had just gone out to get some groceries, he didn't want to ruin the girl's day out. Stiles got out from bed and made his way for the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Peter asks Stiles not taking his eyes off his book.

"I'm just going outside for a little run. I'll be back in no time."

Peter puts down his book at looks at him, he looks serious but with a hint of concern. "I don't think you should go out. I'm just saying that... You're almost to labour day and we can't risk anything."

"Someone's a little caring," Stiles says teasingly.

"I'm serious Stiles."

"I know I know. Look you don't have to worry, I'll be back before you know it. Besides, you of all people should understand how frustrating it is when you're trapped somewhere and not able to do anything."

Peter thinks back to his burnt self. How he was lying there on the bed. The only one he could talk to was himself. How frustrating it was to lay all day and night for years and not even be able to move a finger. He understands where Stiles is coming from.

"Alright, fine. You have to be back here before anyone gets back otherwise I'm sure my nephew will put me in the ground and make sure I don't come back ever again."

"Don't worry I will," Stiles says laughing before closing the loft door.

Exiting the building he makes his way to the forest. Taking off his clothes he shifts into his fox form.

He turns his head and looks surprisingly at the bump on his belly. It was noticeably big, it was round. I look like a whale he thought. A sexy whale he thinks to give it some light.

He begins to trot in the forest, crunching on leaves and pine needles on his paws. Taking in every scent of the smell he had missed. The unique scent of forest that combines different trees, rotting leaves, algea and fungus, and the soil beneath his paws.

He presses his paws more in the soil, allowing the dirt to go in between. He trots further and comes to the stream, it had grown a little wider and deeper.

He lays down for a little rest before going further. He rests his head on his paws, his ears taking in every sound the forest makes.

After a few minutes he notices the sun that had begun to settle. He stands back up and makes his way to the loft.

He trots back. Passing the trees, he comes to a sight that makes his eyes open wide and smile a bit, if its possible in fox form. Someone beautifully familiar was standing in front of him. Stiles moves closer but stops in his tracks, something was off.

He moves back a little. The person smiles devilishly, blood was smeared across his face. His teeth sharper than knives. Stiles barked shrilly at the boy.

"You're very naive you know that? Believing everything you hear, sticking to a pathetic feeling."

Stiles moves further back, he's worried. Worried for his unborn kits. He has only one choice to do now. Run. Run as fast as he can, that's the only way he can protect them.

"You should have just killed me when you had the chance. Now you're going to know how pathetic your 'motherly' instincts are," the wendigo boy says.

He charges after the fox, running at full speed. Stiles bolts inside the forest, clearing a log with a big jump despite being pregnant. He could hear the roar behind him getting closer, Stiles then closes his eyes for a second.

His eyes glow blue, he the hears a thump behind him. Looking back he sees the wendigo hitting an invisible barrier, pissed. Stiles smiles slyly before running again.

It's not going to hold but it will have to do for now. He has to find a good place to hide and rest for a bit before rushig again. He looks and sees a hole beneath a tree, he makes his way inside and settles. A tear falls from his face as he wishes he shouldn't have gone out.

What if something happens to his babies? He can't die here, not now.

All of sudden, he feels something painfully unbearable. He feels his stomach tightening, he winces in pain. Then he realises, he's having contractions. He was giving birth.

At a time like this?

He hears footsteps passing and stops at the entrance of the hole. Looking up he sees a razor-sharp teethed wendigo smiling at him.

Stiles bolts outside trying to run away but was unsuccessful as the wendigo holds him by the scruff. He holds Stiles out infront of him and smiles maliciously.

"You are pregnant aren't you?"

Stiles whimpers, not my babies, please not them.

The wendigo's smiles stops, outstretching his hand he swishes them across Stiles's belly. Stiles shrieks in pain, a little blood began to ooze out of his abdomen. The scratch was light but still risky. Stiles's head falls unconscious.

The wendigo drops him, huffs disappointed and turns to walk away, leaving the bleeding fox to his death.

Turning, he was taken over by a pack of wolves jumping on top of him, biting him, tearing him limb from limb. His screams echoed in the forest till it was no more. Derek bounded towards his mate. The rest of the wolves looked at him concerned.

Leaning close, he hears him breathing, lightly. With no time to waste, he picks up his mate and rushes him to Deaton. Please, please don't leave me. Please let the babies be alright. All of you have to be alright, those thoughts echoed in his mind as he opens the door to the clinic.

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