Chapter 19

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Stiles could hear something off a distance coming closer to him. It was a voice. Where was the voice coming from? Where was he? Everything was dark. That's when he hears it again.

"stiles!" it sounded so far away, but it was getting closer and closer by the call. "Stiles!" that's when he hears it, this time it was like it was infront of him. And he could feel stinging pain on his face.

"STILES!" Stiles opens his eyes to find Scott trying to wake him up, slapping his face. Coach was standing behind him, concerned. "You OK? What happened?"

"I don't know I just..... dozed off I guess.

"Stiles, " Scott calls worriedly frantically examining his best friend for injuries if he fell or something. "People don't just puke and doze off"

"Wait how did you know I puked?"

"We saw the evidence" Scott says making both of them chuckle lightly. Stiles looks up and sees Coach smiling, his face resting a bit now.

"Coach I'm sorry-"

"Nope, shut up. You are getting up, you're going to Deaton. I'll talk to the principle, who actually happens to be Ms Martin so don't worry about it."

"Wait what? Deaton? Why Deaton? He's a vet" Stiles blabs making Coach chuckle.

"Stilinski, you don't actually think I'm that stupid did you?"

"Coach how did you-" Stiles asks looking up only to find that the coach had already exited the room. Scott helps up his best friend, shouldering him out.

Passing the classrooms they could see the concerned faces of the pack to which Scott just reassures them with a hand gesture, that everything is alright.

Stiles hesitantly gives the keys to the jeep to Scott to drive them to the clinic.

Scott starts the car, roaring it to life when both of them get startled by a figure jumping inside. They could see a head with blonde curls rising from the back seat.

"Heeeeyyy guuyyyss." Isaac says sheepishly. Stiles looks at him with a stern look on his face.

"Isaac David Lahey you're gonna get your ass back in-" Stiles sentence was cut short when his body jerks back on his seat. Scott drove furiously away from the school having his boyfriend in the car. "Scott Gregorio Mcall tu pendejo"

"Mamma he's my boyfriend!"

"He's supposed to be in school!"

"Aren't I supposed to be in school?!"

"You're driving me to Deaton! It's not the same thing!"

"Can I say something?" Isaac pipes in from the back.

"NO!" both Scott and Stiles shout in unison. "Sorry babe, yes you can."

"To be fair mom Scott's the one supposed to be staying in school judging by how his grades are dropping"

"I thought you were going to say something that actually mattered"

"Don't your grades matter?"

"Well yeah but-"

"But no. I understand you got other responsibilities, but you're also responsible for your grades. And also, you're both wrong in this decision making. Your grades are dropping, you should have stayed in school. And you mom knew this and had all the power to send him back but you didn't. So this is all both of your faults," Isaac says sternly. There was silence between the three of them. "I'm sorry"

"No you're right" Stiles says. "I should be more responsible, being a mother" he says laughing a little at the end. He leans back taking a deep breath.

"Mom you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Good, cause we're here" Scott says pulling up at the clinic. They all get out and make their way, opening the doors they see the deaton finished treating a puppy handing it back over to the owner. He bids her goodbye and sees the three teens standing in the waiting room.

"Oh hello boys. What brings you here? In a school hour?"

"Hey Deaton, apparently I was recommended to come here by my coach" Stiles says with hands in his pockets, he trusts the doctor but not quite fully. He's too mysterious for crying out loud.


"Well... Yeah.. how did you know?"

Deaton nods and motions for them to enter without saying anything else. They comply and make their way to the operating room.

"So Stiles. What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know really. I just feel so tired like most of the time.... All the time. I feel nauseous. I puked today actually and I kinda knocked out for a bit in the bathroom. That's why I'm here."

Deaton looks at him suspiciously then turns his attention towards the other two." Scott, Isaac. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the two of us in private please."

Stiles looks at them with a 'please don't leave me alone here with him' look, trying not to let the doctor see his reaction. The two just shrug and walk out of the room.

Deaton then motions for Stiles to lay on the metal table.  Stiles does so, deaton makes his way to the back for some equipment.


Deaton came back with some kind of bottle with gel like substance, and also rolls in something with a computer console and a display screen. Must be an ultrasound machine. Whatever this is, it must be really serious.

Deaton stops and looks at me with a questioning look. Like, OK man you can ask now. Which he does actually.

"Stiles can I ask you something private?"

"Uhhh.. Yeah sure"

"Have you ever engaged in sexual activity with your mate?"


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