Chapter 23

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Scott and Isaac were making out on one of the hospital beds. Scott was on top, grinding his body against the other boy. The two had come to bring Scott's mom her dinner for the long night. They wanted to stay with her since it was a Friday, so Melissa gave them permission to use a room while they waited for her, but it lead to other things.

The door was locked and all the blinds were drawn so there was no chance of anyone seeing the two of them.

Scott's hand slipped under the other boy's shirt and pulled it up. He began to kiss down the blonde boy's chest. Scott knelt up to take off his shirt, but was stopped by Isaac as he looked at a distance drawn by something.

"What is it?"

"Shh... listen," he says putting a finger over his mouth indicating to Scott of what he should do.

They could hear something. A heavy breath. It sounded dangerous. The two stood up and peaked out the door, the hallway busy with doctors and nurses running around, they focused their hearing, they could hear it walk to the stairwell but it wasn't the only thing in there. There was something else, someone else. A person, they were being followed.

Without hesitation the two followed suit. They needed to protect whoever this is from whatever is following them. And they needed to hurry up.

I hope we're not too late, they both thought.

The boy looked out across the town, the dark night covering it only to be melted away by the lights that shone from houses and other places. Few cars passed by. He was sad, he was sad for his father, working so hard, barely getting enough sleep. He could see the bags under his eyes, it was unbearable to look at. A tear escaped his eyes, trickling slowly down his face plopping on the ground. He turns around to make his way home when he sees someone in front him, huffing, ready to pounce.

"Umm... Hello? Are you alright?" no response. "I'm just gonna go now," he says smiling nervously trying to get past the other boy but gets blocked. "Hey! Get away from me!" he says shoving the other away.

The other teen gets frustrated, playing with your meal is not a good habit. He bares his claws and extends his teeth. His eyes turn milky white. The other boy's eyes widens in terror. What the hell is this? They chase each other on the roof, the younger boy trying to stay alive. Running towards the door he doesn't see the other guy run towards him pushing him off balance, having him hang over the ledge. The wendigo walks slowly to the struggling boy, he smiles evilly when reaches his claws to the neck of the boy to pull him up.

His plan fails when two shifted werewolves attack him. The blonde one fights him while  the other tries to save the boy. He had slipped but thankfully the older teen caught his hand in time. Growls could be  heard from behind him as the two lunge at each other with attacks, the boy's hand was slipping. He had no other choice, this was going to be painful but it was the only way to save him, he extended his claws and dug it in the skin of the boy.

The boy screamed in pain as the claws pierced his skin. Using his claws, Scott pulls up the boy making it go deeper than ever making the boy scream even more. Looking behind him, Scott sees his boyfriend knocking out the wendigo boy and carrying him over his shoulder. He examines the boy for other injuries besides his hand, nothing. He was fine, for now. He had no other choice, he had to knock the boy out.

The two walk out secretly using a passage that goes out through the back. They weren't seen. Now, to the person who knows how to deal with these kind of situations best.


I woke up to the sound of ringing on my phone, Derek grumbles covering his ears with his pillow. I see that its from Scott, answering it I couldn't help but hear a silent cry for help from the other end.

"Scott? Is everything alright?"

"Can you come over my place please? Its important."

"Okay, I'm on my way." I say hanging up. I turn around to Derek who was now sitting up. He doesn't say anything but just nods. He puts on his pants which was now dry and my oversized hoody that outlined his hunky figure.

We got down and drove to Scott's house. I could see Isaac waiting eagerly outside.

"Is everything okay?"

"I think its best if you just see for yourself."

We got in the house and walked up the stairs to Scott's room with Scott pacing inside. He immediately tells us about the wendigo that attacked in the hospital which makes me and Derek tell him about the events that happened before that.

"Where's the wendigo now?" Derek asks.

"He's chained up in the basement."

"Oh that's good."

"There's only one little problem." he opens his closet revealing a tied up boy inside screaming a muffled scream as he has duct tape plastered on his mouth. 

"Scott! What is wrong with you?!" I shout rushing down to the boy untying him. Tears were seeping from his eyes. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" the boy nods slowly. "This won't happen again," I say looking towards Scott who looks down. "I promise you we're not going to hurt you. I'm going to explain everything," I say softly, smiling at him. He's been through a lot, this is all too new for him.

The boy smiles at me and leans his head on my chest. I hug him back, a new addition I'm guessing judging by the scent from the healing-bite from his hand. "It's okay, you're safe now," I say softly reassuring him. "My name is Stiles by the way. What's your name?"

"Liam, my name is Liam,"

"Liam, my name is Liam,"

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