Chapter 15

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My eyes fluttered open, straining at the bright light that shine from the windows. Wait window? Where am I?

I take in the surroundings, looking around I see that I'm in Derek's room. The loft. Oh shit I'm at the loft.

I scramble from the bed, I look at the time on the clock on the drawer and it said 3pm. I slept that long? Wait what all happened exactly.

I look to the mirror and glowed my eyes. It was glowing blue. It all happened. It all actually happened.

I killed an innocent person.

I'm a killer.

I woke up to find myself on the couch. The couch? Why the couch?

I look around to find the pack sitting around me all looking down.

That's when Isaac noticed I was awake and ran to me.

"Dad you're awake" he embraced me in the tightest hug. I hugged my pup back, reassuring him I wasn't going anywhere.

The pack stood up and smiled at my awakening presence. All except Scott who stood far, looking away like he'd done something wrong. Isaac saw my glance and pulled away nudging me to go talk to him.

I make my way to Scott.

"Son, is everything alright?"

He looked at me, eyes swelling up with tears and grabbed me in the most suffocating yet warmest hug I've ever felt. Well, other than my mate of course. Speaking of, where is that beautiful piece of ass?

My thoughts cut short when Scott looks at me and shows his crimson hued eyes. That's when it dawned to me, I lost my alpha powers to the whole lot of blood I lost to that werewolf.

Scott became an alpha because a pack needs an alpha, but since he didn't take an alpha's life, he became a true alpha.

"I'm so proud of you" I said to him with a gentle smile making him even more teary eyed.

"But dad you're the alpha, there must be a way to transfer-"

"Scott, listen to me son. You deserved this. You are an alpha now, not only that, a true alpha. I'm so proud of you. I know you will lead this pack better than I have."

"Thanks dad, but dad. Can you still lead the pack please. Until when I'm ready"

"I'd be happy to. I love you son" I say pulling him to an embrace.

"I love you too dad" soon we were joined by the pack, all of us having a group hug.

I had made my way down the stairs but stopped midway to hear the packs conversation. Scott was the alpha now, a true alpha, and I'm happy for him.

I saw the pack having a group hug. It was so cute to watch. I made my way down the stairs. Don't show your blue eyes, whatever you do, don't show your blue eyes. I kept saying that to myself. Now all I have to do is not get angry.

I made my way down the stairs and smiled at the group who was now looking towards me.

"Stiles" Derek screamed running towards me huggin me till I couldn't breathe. "I thought I'd lost you"

"Umm Der?"


"I can't breathe" I managed to say, he quickly let's go of me mumbling a "sorry". I love this man.

I looked to the pack who was still staring at me.

"Are you gonna hug your mother or not?" with no seconds lost they all bounded up towards me all hugging me. All wanting to hug me or at least touch me if their blocked. Derek stood and smiled at the scene.

Peter stood arms crossed, a smile appeared on his face. I smiled back at him in the midst of being embraced.

"We thought we'd lost you" Isaac cried on my shoulder.

"You'll never lose me. You got me back didn't you? You helped your father, I'm so proud of you."

I looked at Scott who was hugging from behind Isaac, I smiled at him letting him know I was OK with him being alpha. He smiled back at me.

"OK who's hungry?"

"I know I am, " Jackson said letting go from behind me.

"OK what do you guys wanna have?"

"Deer?" I quickly turn around to face Malia with a dead look on my face. Everyone laughs, even her. I chuckle and made my way to the kitchen.

"How about.... Mac and cheese with sausage, kale and potato skillet?" I ask looking at the food ingredients in the fridge and the cupboard.

"Anything you cook is delicious honey"

"Honey? Ha that's new." I say laughing. Taking out all the ingredients, I start cutting up the sausage. The pack all helped in preparing the ingredients for me, we all joked and laughed while working.

That was when I felt a sharp pain on my hand. Looking down I saw blood coming from my finger. I had cut it.

The pack gasped, Derek came to me to wipe the blood. I smiled to show them not to worry, but something made me worry.

I felt my eyes burn a little. I shut my eyes, I knew they were glowing.

I felt Derek hold me but I moved away from him. I turned around and bolted for the door.

I heard them scream my name, but I didn't want them to see me like this. I didn't want them to see what I have become, for them to know what I did.

Exiting the building I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I ran to the only place I knew I could be free.

The forest.

The forest helps me. It frees me from troubles.

I head for the trees. Their branches cover me from above, blocking the sunlight from touching me.

I felt a tear run down my face.

The pack. I'm sorry.

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