Chapter 20

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OK sorry but like WHAT THE FUCK?!

*Immitates in Deaton's voice* 'Have you ever engaged in sexual activity with your mate?'. I'm going to jump out of this metal bed and make a run for it but I can't right now so.


"Yeah. It's-"

"Deaton, sorry but I know what a mate is. The thing is what does that have to do with anything?"

"So I guess you did huh?" I gulped, there's no hiding anything from this guy like seriously. "Derek Hale." When he said that name I felt a lump in my throat. How did he know? Ugh, who cares, its Deaton, he knows everything.

"When was the last time you engaged in sexual intercourse Stiles?" oh my god, the way he says things in formal words makes it sound so unbearable and creepy, ugh.

"I would say about a month ago?"

"Hmm. Stiles I'm going to need you to pull up your shirt please."

I do so revealing my stomach, dang this must be serious. He applies gel on my belly making me hiss at the cold substance touching my abdomen. He takes out this long round thing and moves it around my stomach looking at the screen. He moves very slowly.

I observe the screen, I might not be a doctor but I can't help but see something there.

"Is everything ok?" Deaton doesn't say anything back. Oh shit, am I gonna die? I'm too young to die. I just freaking lost my virginity a month ago and I'm still sex deprived from then till now. Like what the actual hell? "Deaton? Is everything alright?"

"Can you call Derek?"

Uuhh... Noo sorry why?"

"He needs to be here."

"Oh.. OK, Scott?"


"Isaac, I called Scott not you."

"Ugh" Isaac rolls his eyes and was go back outside to the waiting room when Deaton called him.

"Anyways Isaac since you're already here I'm going to need you to call Derek. It's urgent"

Great, the doctor is going to tell my mate that I'm dying. I'm going to die and my mate is going to wander the earth, all alone, without anyone. If he goes for someone else after I'm dead I'm going to haunt his cute chunky werewolf ass.

Damn I love his ass, but mine's better  for obvious reasons.

I hear Isaac making a phone call telling Derek, Deaton needs to see him and that it's about me. Isaac comes back and tells us he's on his way and goes back outside.

Deaton doesn't move his hand, he still looks at the screen. He somewhat seems fascinated by what is displayed on the screen.

"Interesting, " he says, which sounded more like int-e-rest-ting. I facepalmed my head mentally, if this thing doesn't kill me than he most likely will. All of a sudden we hear the door of the clinic bursting open.

My fox yips in excitement jumping around inside, like okay foxy, I get you're horny for your mate but calm down a little, geez.

Then I see him standing there by the doorway, a worried look plastered on his face. He walks slowly towards me and leans down. One hand grips my hand while the other slides to the back of my neck, his thumb making little circles on my cheek.

I smile and lean in to the touch.

He smiles and looks at Deaton. "Is everything alright?"

"It depends actually."

"On what?" I ask.

"On the two of you."

Both of us looked at each other in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When a werewolf and their mate have sex, they are bound together by a knott which can have the other get pregnant. Despite if they're of the same gender, if they're mates, they will have children." he explains.

My mind seems to be getting what he's trying to say. All this sickness, this fatigue, its all because-

" Stiles.... You're pregnant, " my eyes widen at the news. I'm pregnant? I don't even know how to react, I'm pregnant. I look at Derek who's eyes were also wide, then he looks at me.

"Do you wanna have this?" I ask him.

"More than anything" he says smiling, his heart didn't skip a beat, it was steady, he was telling the truth. "That's if you also want to do this" he finishes.

"As long as I have you, yes" I say smiling up at him. He leans down and pecks me on the lips. "I can't believe this, we're having a baby"


"What?" I ask looking up.

"You're having babies"

"Twins?" I ask.

"Four, a litter." Deaton finishes.

Derek's eyes widened in excitement and kissed me, reacting like the way a normal husband would when they're wife would get pregnant. In this case scenario, the wife is an 18 year old boy who loves star wars, curly fries and is weird in every way possible.

I smile at my mate and laugh at him pumping his fists and shouting 'yes' in the room.  He was so happy. And so was I.

I look at Deaton who was smiling at the two of us. Derek seems to be aware of our presence again and stops. Straightening out his black leather jacket he makes his way towards me and starts kissing me again.

"How long do I have for giving birth doc?"

"Three more months, oh and don't worry because you're supernatural, your baby bump won't show in human form only in your fox form." I sighed a sigh of relief, no-one's gonna know about my pregnancy. Phew.

"But, you have to be careful. Whatever happens to you will affect the children, even in human form."

"Got it, thanks doc," I say wiping the gel off my belly with a cloth given to me by Derek. We walk out together hand in hand, my head against his shoulder.

I'm having children. Actual children. Little feet that go pitter patter on the floor running around the place. I smile at the idea. Can't wait to meet them.

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