[14] We're Okay

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C H A P T E R  F O U R T E E N !We're Okay

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C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N !
We're Okay

"Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid." Lydia spoke, as she attempted to make the firebomb. Jackson hesitated, but nonetheless handed his girlfriend a beaker full of the chemical she had asked for.

Mercy began to mix it, although she wasn't that skilled in science, before handing it to her friend, who topped it off by adding another component, and finally, putting a cork in the end and handing it to Scott.

The boy took it, just as Allison spoke up. "No. No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out here." She cried, as her voice cracked, while she shook her head and blinked back tears.

"We can't just sit here, waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages." Scott explained. "You could die." Allison said, in disbelief, that he wasn't seeing that.

"Don't you get that? He's killed three people."

"And we're next if we don't do something." Scott replied.

"Scott, just stop." Allison snapped, as she grabbed his arm before Scott moved to head out the door. "Do you remember... do you remember when you told me you knew whether I was lying or not? That I had a tell. So do you. You're a horrible liar. And you've been lying all night."

Mercy sighed, running a hand through her hair, as she turned to Jackson and noticed he was smirking.

"I will kill you." She whispered, and his expression dropped.

"Just... please." Allison cried. "Please don't leave us. Please."

Scott looked like he was debating it, not saying anything for a moment before he spoke. "Lock it behind me." He declared, wiggling loose from his girlfriend's grasp.

Allison grabbed his arm tightly, turning him around and grabbing his face. She pulled him in for a kiss, as his hands lingered on his waist. They stared at each other for a while, before Allison's eyes flickered.

"McCall." Mercy spoke, as her friend walked towards the door. "I'm going Mercy." He announced, not wanting anyone else to talk him out of it. "I have to."

"I know." Mercy replied sadly.

She was worried sick, putting on a facade so that no one could see through it.

"Just, be careful." She smiled, grabbing his arm. "And kick his ass."

"Just for you." Scott smiled, making Mercy laugh.

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