[04] First Line

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C H A P T E R  F O U R !First Line

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C H A P T E R F O U R !
First Line

Mercy shut her locker, closing the combination lock on it, when Stiles suddenly appears, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her away.

"Hey, come here." he mumbles, pulling her along. Mercy allows Stiles to continue to manhandle her while frowning, in confusion. "What?" she asks in annoyance.

"Come here!" Stiles speaks, his tone even more urgent than before. He pulls Mercy over to the bottom of a short stairway, finally letting his grip on her loosen, as she crosses her arm over her chest.

"What do you want Stilinski?" Mercy asked in annoyance, taking a step back when Stiles leaned forward. "I wanted to apologize, I left you alone at the party and haven't had a chance to talk."

"Yeah. You should be apologizing, I was all alone. If you weren't coming back, you could've just said so." Mercy retorted, raising a brow.

"I intended to come back." Stiles argued. "I really did! But then stuff happened with Scott, and I lost track of priorities."

Mercy didn't say anything, which made Stiles nervous as he began to ramble. "Look, I'm genuinely sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?"

He didn't understand why he felt so obligated to her. They'd just met. But then again, so had Scott and Allison. But this wasn't like Allison at all, he didn't have a crush on her.

"I'll consider forgiving you under one condition." Mercy smirked, looking up at Stiles.

"I'll do anything!" Stiles said quickly, making Mercy cock her head, but smile nonetheless. "Ok, well, Allison, Lydia and I are coming to watch you and Scott play tomorrow and..."

"Wait, what?" Stiles cut her off, furrowing his brows. "You are?" Stiles asks, being so taken aback that he can't make himself do anything but blink as Mercy quickly runs down their plan.

"And they're all going out afterwards-- Allison, Scott, Lydia, Jackson... It's going to be great. But Lydia is insisting I come along too." Mercy began to explain. "Except, I want to avoid being a fifth wheel, so Scott suggested I ask you. As friends, of course."

"Go out with you?" Stiles replied, his tone unsure. "And Lydia, Jackson, Scott, and Allison." Mercy reminded.

"Uh, yeah... I mean. Yeah." Stiles nodded. "Great." Mercy smiled, clutching her bag. "I have to run to French class. Talk later? I've got to go."

As Mercy rushed off, Stiles let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Oh God..."


Mercy and Allison are standing in the hall talking, during their free period. "Yeah, I told Stiles. He said he'd come." Mercy explained, leaning against a locker.

"Stiles? Is there something between you two?" Allison asked, smiling. "No." Mercy said, shaking her head. "No." She repeated, returning Allison's smile. "Definitely not. I'm pretty sure he's got eyes for someone else."

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