[06] Friend

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C H A P T E R  S I X !Friend

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C H A P T E R  S I X !

"Dad, can I get a job?" Mercy asks suddenly, as she goes into her father's room. "Huh?" Henry asks, taking out his headphones, and pausing the audiobook he was listening to.

"A job." Mercy repeats. "Can I get one?"

"What are you thinking?" Henry asks in response, sitting up. "Nothing too crazy yet, maybe like pet or babysitting." Mercy responds.

"I can share to my Facebook friends that you're looking for business, I've got 850 of them." Henry responded to his daughter, making her laugh. "Thanks a lot." Mercy responded. "And I've been studying for my permit test so, I promise, I'll be ready to take it soon!"

"That's what I like to hear." Henry smiled, his eyes lighting up. He was proud of her for adjusting so well, and making so many new friends. If made his heart swell.

"Well, that's all I wanted. I've got to get some studying in before I meet with Allison and Lydia later." Mercy said, waving her hand.

"For this triple date thing?" Henry asked, raising a brow. "More like a double date. Plus two. Stiles and I are just friends." Mercy assured, leaning against the door.

"That's what I use to say about your mom." Henry said, among Mercy's expression falter. He never talked about her anymore.

Everyone has those things they just bury in a box and don't talk about. For Henry Tate? That was his family.

"Really?" Mercy asked, walking further into the room, and sitting on the edge of her father's bed.

"Oh yeah." Henry nodded. "I was so in love with her almost instantly." he started. "But she was in love with someone else."

"Was he worth it?" Mercy questioned. "He was a great guy," Henry replied. "just not for her."

"Your mom and I would do just about anything for each other, but when the confer was brought up... We were just friends."

"Stiles and I are actually just friends." Mercy said. "It's not like we're getting married or something."

"Maybe not." Henry shrugged. "You never know."

Mercy smiled, thinking about it. Stiles and her? It would never work. Especially since he was in love with her friend, who was dating another of her friends. Or whatever Jackson was.

Henry put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "But if he hurts you, I'll take him out back and shoot him."


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