"No." Morrell cut her off. "He ordered you, me and him to have a meeting here."

There was a knock on the door, before it slowly opened, revealing Henry Tate.
"Dad?" Mercy stood up.

She didn't understand why they chose today of all days to bombard her with a therapy session during school.

"I want to leave." Mercy decided. "Mercy, please stay. This isn't an intervention, just a session. Your dad took time off work to be here. It would mean a lot."

Mercy frowned, as her dad pulled up a chair, turning it to face her.

"Mr. Tate, I would like you to express your concerns."

"Am I gonna get a pass for this?" Mercy interrupts. "I'm missing class."

Morrell gave the girl a pointed look, as to ask her to stop interrupting, causing Mercy to slump in her seat.

"I just feel like she doesn't tell me things." Henry says.

Well, obviously. How do you tell your father you're a teenage werewolf-coyote hybrid? Moreover, you have no idea how you became one, seeing as you were never bitten— and your parents weren't supernatural. And lastly, how the hell do you tell him that there's an alpha terrorizing your town who may want you in his pack, and will stop at nothing to ensure that.

"Like what?" Morrell asks, concerned.

"Anything. She's either out with friends- which I don't mind at all by the way, or just secretive."

Mercy went to interrupt. "That's not true!"

"Mercy, please wait until your father is finished speaking." Morrell sighed, turning to Henry. "And how does that make you feel."

"Exactly how I felt the past seven years..." Henry starts, making Mercy sit up. "Alone."

"I'm sorry." Mercy finally says. "That I'm not a person anymore, I'm a problem."

Henry shook his head. "You're twisting my words. I didn't say that."

"No, you're just implying it." Mercy scoffed.

"Dr. Morrell, can we have a minute?" Henry says, his eyes never leaving Mercy.

"Of course." Morrell replies, standing up to leave the room.

"She didn't have to leave because I'm going." Mercy sneered, grabbing her bag to stand up.

"I'm trying to talk to you, and you're not even hearing me." Henry sighed. "This was just supposed to be a session. You're turning it into something it isn't, Mercy."

"It's a crappy session, Dad." The girl replied, looking at him with watery eyes. "Why did you have to do this here? This is my school."

"I wanted to do it in a place where you'd be calm." Henry replied.

"Yeah, and how did that work out for you?" Mercy retorted, her tone a lot more distasteful than she intended it to be.

"What happened to you?" Henry frowned. "You used to be so full of life."

"That was seven years ago, dad. I was a kid." Mercy practically spat. "A lot has changed."

Wasn't Always Easy » Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now