Mercy, who is in the same predicament as her friend, having no idea what's going on, shrugs. "Gotta go." She speaks, turning to catch up with Allison.

"Yeah." Stiles nods.

"Sarge, wait up!" Mercy calls, as Allison turns around and holds her arm out. The girls link limbs, while Scott and Stiles watch them turn and head to class as they also slowly starts walking down the hall in a different direction toward their own.

When they get back to the junction between the two halls, they get distracted by the sound of Jackson groaning in annoyance and turn to see that it was Jackson's locker that Scott had punched in a fit of rage, and broke moments before they bumped into the girls.

Jackson, irritated, tries to get the locker to shut and is annoyed when he can't. He looks up and sees Scott watching him before immediately insulting him as usual.

"What are you looking at, ass wipe?"


Scott and Stiles are in chemistry class, where Stiles is seated at a two-person desk in the second row from the back, while Scott sits at the desk directly in front of him.

Mercy, however, is all the way in the back, her head down on the desk. Their teacher, Adrian Harris, is writing notes on the chalkboard at the front of the class while a beaker full of clear liquid bubbles in a stand, where it hangs over a Bunsen burner.

Scott and Stiles continue their discussion over what Scott could have possibly done the previous evening to cause all that carnage in low voices at the back of the classroom.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door..." Scott whispered. "Could have been animal blood." Stiles shrugged and gestures with the pencil in his right hand. "You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something?"

Scott shoots him a look, clearly appalled by this theory. "And did what?" he asks accusingly. Stiles shrugs again. "Ate it."

Scott is even more horrified by this statement. "Raw?"

Stiles scoffs and gives Scott a look before responding in a sarcastic tone of voice. "No, you stopped to bake it in a little Werewolf oven! I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."

Scott is still offended, and neither one of them has noticed that Mr. Harris has noticed their conversation and has turned to watch them talk with a stern look on his face and his hands on his hips. He finally speaks up in a snide voice to interrupt them.

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while." he sneers, causing Mercy to raise her head, and look at Scott and Stiles.

Stiles, slightly embarrassed, huffs out a laugh. "Uh..."

"I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harris smirks.

Stiles scoffs in irritation. "No!"

Harris, not messing around, stares at Scott and gestures toward the empty seat beside Mercy, implying that this is where he wants Scott to move, before doing the same with Stiles and picking a seat in the front but at the opposite side from where he's currently sitting. Scott and Stiles sigh in annoyance and reluctantly pick up their books and papers before moving to their respective desks.

Wasn't Always Easy » Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now