From the Beginning

Start from the beginning

But she only had her fists, and trying to punch them nearly got her arm torn off. So she definitely wanted to keep her distance.

The hall she travelled ended in a bulkhead. It stood sturdy at the end, barring access for both her and the monsters behind her.

But she was distracted for a moment when the screen in front of her eyes flashed for a moment. Flickering to life, before staying solid at a dull level.

Wireless energy transfer established

Attempting armor reconstruction…... Attempt Failed

Materialization circuits fried

Running systems diagnostic


Armor integrity: 8.23%

Deuterium cells depleted: Reactor offline

Energy storage cells: 4% and rising slowly

Primary CPU: Destroyed

Secondary CPU: Operational

Weapon compartment: Not Found

Ammunition fabricator: Offline

Hardlight blades: Destroyed

Plasma jet turbines: Destroyed

Communications relay: Malfunction

Please report to the nearest armory for Mjolnir XXVII repair or removal. 

She felt another small flash of pain flair through her gem as faint information was downloaded directly to the source. A layout of the facility she was in. Basic weapon information on everything available. And most importantly, a far, far better understanding of the mission.

A piercing screech filled the hall behind her. Echoing off the ancient metal and shaking her eardrums.

One of the twisted figures lunged at her. It held its arms out in a rough sword fighter's pose. One arm was completely engulfed in jagged purple amethyst. Sharp as a nano needle. The other held a crackling plasma blade. It's unstable edge dropping bits of plasma onto the floor, scorching the metal.

In the blink of an eye it lunged at her. Shredding it's mighty wail as it thundered down the hallway. The abomination's powerful legs propelling it to beyond human speed.

She acted on instinct, her body moving on its own Accord. The creature thrust it's plasma blade going straight for her head.

The world slowed down to a standstill as her strange eyes narrowed to pinpricks. 

Her head leaned to the side, letting the potent blade go past her head and only hit air. She then ducked low and slammed her whole body into the creature. Sending both of them crashing onto the floor.

The creature expelled a gasp of pain as her weight combined with her armor was intense.

She rolled forward off the monster before leaping into the air. A mass of battered armor twisted in the air before landing on her feet and skidding to a stop.

 The monster slammed it's amethyst arm into the floor, creating a small dent.

She lunged forward once more as the monster brought it's plasma blade down onto her head while it pulled it's other back to run her through. But she ran even faster, punching it in the chin with an uppercut before slamming her elbow into its face. She finished the attack run with a powerful kick that sent shockwaves through the air from it's sheer power.

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