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Killua stormed over and grabbed Zushi and flung him into a wall. Gon was shocked, he looked up at Killua to see a hateful gaze. Killua started to walk over to Zushi his hand sharpened like a knife. But before Killua could even make it over to him someone grabbed him. Killua pushed that person to the ground with no care. The person grabbed onto Killua trying to stop him. Killua not in his right mind turned around and swing his sharpened hand in that direction. Gon stumbled back cheek bleeding.

Gon held his stinging cheek and looked up at Killua. Killua finally back to his sense and saw the fresh blood dripping from Gon's wound. Killua approached Gon but Gon stood up quickly, "Don't touch me."

"What?" Killua replied

"I said don't touch me! What the hell is wrong with you!" Gon yelled

Killua was shocked at Gon's sudden anger, "Gon? What do you mean?"

"You heard me! Just leave me alone! Look at what you did to Zushi!" Gon shouted pointing to the unconscious Zushi

Killua frowned, "That bastard deserved it! He was messing with you!"

"Why do you care!" Gon retorted, "It's not like you like me or something!"

"Gon!" Killua said biting his lip, "I-!"

"Shut up!" Gon said as tears began to swell in his eyes, "I wanna go home! Send me back!"

"I can't," Killua said

"What do you mean!" Gon yelled, "I don't want to be here! I want to go home! I hate it here! I want to go home!"

"I can't!" Killua shouted back, "I can't send you back! Not right now at least..."

"Tell me Killua," Gon sighed, "Is it true you only like me because I look like your old lover?" 

Killua froze at the question, and Gon took this as his response, "Yeah, I get it. You're still not over them, and that's fine. But I'm not them! You're getting married, Killua! I don't understand why you care so much!"

"It's because...," Killua began to say

"Because what Killua!?" Gon said tears finally falling, "It's fine if you still love them... But please... Please don't try to replace them with me... You know, every time I'm around you I feel overwhelming joy. Like I've loved you forever. But everything is just so confusing! All these stupid feelings I keep having! I hate it!"

A strong gush of wind blew suddenly, almost making Killua lose his footing. He looked up at Gon who was now looking at the floor, tears streaming down his face. Killua didn't know what to do. He wanted to do something. 'Run to him!' Went off again and again in his head but he continued to stand there frozen. And he continued to stay like this till Gon walked away from him carrying Zushi inside leaving him all alone, again.


A whole week passed and everything was a mess. The two refused to talk to each other, ignoring anything said about the other. And if they met both would turn the other way. No one knew whether they were mad or not but the air was clearly tense. Killua refused to come out of his office saying he had 'work' to do. Gon on the other hand constantly kept himself busy dismissing people who tried to ask him about the problem. He would either they'll them he was too busy and ask him or he didn't know what they were talking about. By now Killua had spent three whole days in his office refusing anything, including food and drinks. He let no one in as all he requested was a cup of water every day. All the servants worried for their master begged Gon to see what was wrong with Killua and tell him to come out.

"Gon! Please!" A servant begged, "You need to see Master Killua!"

Gon hummed and kept chopping the vegetables for a stew. In the past few days, Zushi noticed how Gon always stopped in front of Killua's door when he passed, and the painful look on his face. Gon was pushing his feelings away and trying to hide his pain, yet each day was getting harder and harder. Zushi could hear the soft sniffles Gon let out each night when he slept in the servant cordons.

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