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"Ah, I see you finally show up," Bisky said with a smile, "I thought you ran away."

Bisky tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, "Something hasn't it?"

"Yes," Gon replied with a nod, "But before we start how long do I have?"

"Once the next sun rises your time is up," Bisky replied, "You have been gone for a while."

"That's alright. It's all the time I need to defeat you," Gon stated

Gon listened to the wispy winds and the shuffle of the grass as he closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Once again he could feel his power bubbling up inside him. And opening his eyes in a flash Gon dashed towards Bisky with no hesitation. Gon swung his foot at her head, only for Bisky to block it with her arm. He didn't stop there as he followed with an array of kicks that Bisky blocked. Shifting all his strength to his right leg Gon reeled it inwards letting it fly back out to meet Bisky's stomach. Bisky flew back a few feet as her expression was surprised.

"Goodness!" Bisky exclaimed, "I don't remember how long I flew like that!"

Bisky chuckled to herself, "Well Gon you really have improved. But it's not enough."

Bisky ran towards Gon at full speed and spun landing a tornado kick in Gon's gut making him fly away. Gon felt all the air within his chest cease as he crashed into a tree. Gon desperately gasped for air as he saw Bisky running towards him at full force. Gon gripped the tree behind him as he ripped it out of the ground and threw it at Bisky. The tree crashed into her, but unfortunately, it didn't stop her as Bisky kept heading straight for Gon. Gon needed to be on the offense, if he played defense he would never win.

Gon charged the power within his fist, as a gold aura began to surround it. Gon ran towards Biksy and threw a punch that flew passed her head. Bisky head turned slightly confused about why the punch missed, but then suddenly a punch was met with Bisky's chin, and she went flying. Bisky crashed onto the ground but quickly got to her feet. She tsked and spit out some blood. Gon walked towards Bisky his eyes having an intense hold.

Bisky cracked her neck as she settled her gaze back onto Gon, "I really hate this form, but it seems like if we continue like this I don't have a choice."

Suddenly Bisky's form began to change as her slim limps began to bulk up with muscle. No longer dainty and small, her size sword above Gon. Gon was bewildered by Bisky's new look.

"Woah," Gon exclaimed as he stopped in his tracks

Bisky shook her head and sighed, "I tend to hate this form. It's way too macho for my style."

Lifting her head again Bisky suddenly appeared behind Gon and kicked him into the air. Jumping up Bisky lifted her leg and kicked Gon back to the ground. As Bisky returned back to the ground Gon desperately tried to get up. Bisky held his face to the ground with her foot.

"Gon," Bisky said, "I've been in enough fights to know when someone is holding back."

Gon froze in place at her words. It was true he had been holding back, making sure that with every punch he threw his emotions didn't get the better of him.

"If you keep holding out like this you'll never win," Bisky sighed

Gon closed his eyes, 'She's right. I'll never win like this. I gotta focus. I gotta win'. All of a sudden Gon began to rise. Bisky's foot was pushed off as Gon's eyes met with Bisky. His eyes were a bright white and Bisky could feel a flow of power surging out of him. Waves of gold aura radiated off Gon as the winds began to pick up. Bisky looked around and saw the trees beginning to grow. Flowers sprouted beneath their feet and new life bloomed. A bright blue moon produced the needed light

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