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"Gon!" Killua shouted as Gon fell to the ground. Kneeling down Killua shook him, "Gon! Wake up!" Suddenly seeing the stab wound Killua turned sharply towards Anita, "What the fuck did you do?!"

Anita's wide eyes turned sinister. A smile crept on her face and she let out a cackle, "Wow! Would you look at that!"

Killua was bewildered, "I asked you, what the fuck did you do?!"

Anita looked down at Killua and grinned, "Hah... I finally did it! I did it!" Anita's face was no longer pretty and pouty, rather it was ugly and sickening. The expression she had was pure madness.

A few servants came out and Killua screamed at them, "Get her!"

They acted quickly and tackled her. Anita was giggling like a madman, shouting, "This is what you get! You fucker!"

Killua ignored her completely looking over at the unconscious Gon. He touched the wound and it instantly burned him. Killua ripped off a piece of his sleeve and tried to stop the bleeding. But he kept getting burned. Killua reeled his hand back and saw that his hand was steaming. Killua began to panic, he began to shout, "Someone help!"

A few servants ran over and gasped. Gon was bleeding out. And each time Killua's hand was near the wound his hand would burn. But nevertheless, Killua pressed the cloth on Gon's wound. His hand was burning painfully already forming blisters.

"Gon! Please!" Killua shouted tears forming, "Not again! Please!"

Wing ran up, "What happened!?"

Killua looked up at him tears streaming down his face, "Help..."

Wing kneeled down and look at the wound but most importantly the burns on Killua's hands. "Killua!? What happened!?"

But Killua was in his own world. Everything was spinning. All he could pay attention to was the lifeless look on Gon's face and the bleeding wound. Everything was repeating again. A nightmare becoming true.

"Killua!" Wing shouted snapping Killua out of his trance, "What happened!?"

"I... I don't know...," Killua said

Wing tried to touch the wound but like Killua his hand was burnt, "Ah! What the heck...?" Suddenly he went wide-eyed, "No... it can't be..."

Killua looked up at him, "What. What's wrong?"

"It's... It's a Ben's knife...," Wing stuttered out


Ben Delon. The God of Foraging. He lived in the underworld foraging using the flaming pits of hell. He was an astounding blacksmith creating signature weapons for different gods. But one day Ben Delon went mad. No one knows why. Some say it's because the dead whispered things into his ear till he went mad. Or he always was.

Ben then went on a killing rampage. Killing everything in his path. The Zoldycks seeing this banished him to the underworld forbidding him from ever stepping a foot onto the surface. But this was a mistake. Ben enraged created a dagger capable of actually killing a god. He did the impossible, creating the impossible. He laced the dagger with poison from the pits of hell. Said that anyone touching it will burn as if they were burning in the underworld.

Finding out his plan the Zoldycks sent their son to deal with the matter. Their son then beat Ben till he was deformed for eternity. He then threw Ben into a deep pit leading to the Dark Continent. A place deeper than hell itself. Said that only the evil of evil is banished there. The Creator created it to hold all the evils in the world. A prison in which no one can get out. Yet there was only one case. A past Zoldyck ventured down there with a few companions curious of what it was like.

They all returned and refused to speak a word of what it was like. Nothing slipped from their mouths of their experience. And now Ben himself suffers there. And it was no other than Killua Zoldyck that put him there. But there was another thing that no one knew of, not even the gods. But Ben happened to have a child with an unknown dark nymph. This child's name was Anita. Her mother whispered monstrous tales of the gods in her ear shaping her hatred for them. Anita then swore revenge on God but mostly on Killua, swearing she'll kill them.

The dagger was said to be hidden someplace that the Zoldycks only knew of. Forbidden to ever be touched. Yet apparently it was found.


Gon was now in bed barely breathing. He was continuing to bleed and no one could do anything. Another condition about the dagger is that it is unremovable. Adding to when stabbed into a god it will give them a slow painful death. Killua sat by Gon's side holding his hand.

"Please. Please. Please...," Killua pleaded to whisper under his breath

Anita on the other hand was in a dungeon under the establishment. She was going absolutely crazy, just like her father. She was shouting inconsistent things. Laughing about how she stabbed Gon. She had completely lost it. And when asked questions or threatened she would laugh and curse.

Leorio suddenly opened the door followed by Kurapika, "What happened!?"

Killua looked back, "Please... you have to help."

Leorio walked over to Gon and grimaced, "That looks pretty nasty. And based on the coloration on his face he lost a lot of blood." Leorio put two fingers on Gon's neck, "Shit, his pulse is so faint. We need to remove the dagger."

"We can't," Killua replied with a dark look

"What? Why?" Leorio questioned

"It's a Ben's Knife," Kurapika answered, "Yet this one is different from the rest. It was the dagger made to kill gods."

"What the hell...," Leorio cursed knowing instantly about the conditions of the dagger, "How the hell is he not dead yet...?"

"We can't do anything," Kurapika commented

Killua turned around sharply, "What do you mean we can't do anything?! We have to do something!?"

Kurapika sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry Killua... But you know what will happen, Gon is going to die."

"No!" Killua shouted, "No he's not! Do something Leorio! You can fix him right!?" Leorio stayed silent only adding to Killua's anger, "I can't. I can't just sit here and watch him die again!"

"Again...?" Kurapika questioned, "Killua... What do you mean again?"

Killua was silent for a while before he spoke, "It's him. He was the one that died in my arms that very night. He was the one I loved so long ago."

"You don't mean... He's the one!?" Leorio asked

"Yes, he's the one I fell for all those years ago. And I finally meet him again! I can't let him die again! I should have been the one stabbed. Why couldn't it be me!?"

Kurapika frowned, "Killua it's not your fault..."

"Yes, it is! I told myself I wasn't going to make the same mistake again, dammit!" Killua yelled now crying, "I failed again..." Taking Gon's hand and kissing it Killua sniffed, "We made a promise. That we would spend eternity together. I can't wait again. I don't want to wait again! Please Gon! Wake up!"

But there was no response. And like all those years ago, Killua has to witness his lover die all over again.

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