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Gon groaned opening his eyes, it was bright. Too bright. Trying to adjust, everything was blurry yet colorful. Finally, his vision began to clear and Gon's breath was taken away. There, before him was a giant flower field. It was beautiful. Yet it confused Gon where he was. He tried to remember what happened but he couldn't seem to. Finally snapping back to reality Gon forgot the thought as another memory replaced it. He just remembered he had to fish for today's dinner.

Looking down to his right was a bucket and fishing pole. Taking it in his hand Gon began to walk down a path. Everything was so similar that before he knew it he reached the river. Sighing Gon sat down and cast his pole. Looking up at the bright blue sky Gon smiled. Closing his eyes he took in the smell of the fresh air. The sound of rushing water and trees rustling comforted Gon. He felt at peace and had a sense of happiness. Suddenly he heard a small meow and opened his eyes to see a small white cat. The car had bright blue eyes that memorized Gon. The cat meowed again. It walked up to Gon and rubbed against his leg.

Gon instantly smiled and giggled, "Why hello there. Are you lost?" The cat replied in meow and Gon giggled again, "Are you hungry?" Suddenly he felt a tug on his pole and Gon grinned, "I think I got one!"

Taking a hold of the pole Gon slowly pulled the string and tugged at it. In response, the string tugged back. Gon began to slowly reel it in and suddenly pulling hard a fish popped out of the water. Gon grinned it was quite big, enough for dinner. But then he looked down at the cat and smiled.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Gon smiled. The cat rubbed against Gon's leg again and purred. "I'll take that as a yes."

Walking over to a blush Gon searched it for some sticks. Finding a good amount Gon put them in a pile in a small hole. And taking rocks from the river he circled around it. He took out a piece of flint in his pocket he rubbed it against his pocket knife. The branches caught fire and went ablaze.

Gon huffed and looked at the small cat, "There! All done! Let's get started shall we?" The cat tilted its head making Gon laugh.


"Here you can have the last of it!" Gon smiled tossing the cat the last piece of fish meat. The sun was setting and all that was left of the fish were bones. Gon stood up and started to gather his things. The cat began to stay by his side till Gon noticed.

"Oh? Do you not have a home to go to?" Gon asked. The cat rolled over on its back looking at Gon with its big blue eyes. Gon kneeled down and giggled as he petted the cat's stomach. "You're so soft!" Gon exclaimed, "I guess you can stay with me for a bit if you have nowhere else to go." Gon then picked up the cat with both hands and held it. The cat didn't fuss a bit as Gon carried it toward his house.

Once they arrived Gon put the cat down, "Looks great doesn't it?" The 'house' Gon was staying at was nothing more than a run-down shed. It was clear that it was falling apart. Yet there were plenty of flowers surrounding it and replacing the home's beauty. Gon slid open the door only for it to fall off. "Oops," Gon said, "I'll have to fix that tomorrow."

The cat followed Gon as he showed it around, "That's where I sleep! And that's where I also cook. And uh... Yeah! I basically do everything in here!" The cat tilted its head letting out a meow. Gon sighed and sat down, "You probably don't understand a word I'm saying, huh?" The cat hopped onto Gon's lap and curled up there. Gon smiled, "At least I have someone to take for a while..."

When Gon was around the age of five his house burned down taking the lives of his aunt and great-grandma. Village folk tried to take care of him but eventually, he just kept getting past on till no one wanted him. It wasn't for any particular reason they just didn't have time to take care of a growing child. And eventually, they built him a small shed in a middle of a bare field and told him he'll live there from now on. Gon was about nine when this happened, and at first, it didn't bother him. He was happy that he got his own home but the feeling of no one else there was sad. So occasionally Gon took in a few animals and was happy for a while, but they always left. Gon knew they had to leave one day it just hurt the same every time they left.

Gon was now fast asleep his face illuminated by the blue moonlight. Gon slighting opened his eyes a bit to see the cat watching him. Gon smiled and petted its head. "Please don't leave me...," Gon yawned, "I don't want to be alone again..."

Falling back asleep Gon's hand fell from the cat's head. The cat began to glow and suddenly there sat a boy with white fluffy hair and blue eyes. The boy lay next to Gon and watch him as he slept. It was silent only with trees brushing in the wind and the occasional hoot of an owl. The boy softly touched Gon's face with curiosity but pulled it back once he stirred. The boy suddenly glowed and returned to a cat. He curled up next to Gon soon closing his own eyes. Gon smiled as he felt the softness of the cat next to him. And finally, he drifted deep into sleep.


Killua still sat next to Gon as he laid unconscious in bed. It's been three days and neither Killua nor Gon has moved. Killua looked up at Gon with bags under his eyes, "Please Gon... wake up..." There was no response making Killua sigh, "I miss you so much... Please get better..."

Leorio watched from the doorway, "I have no idea how he's still like this..."

Kurapika turned to Leorio, "I mean he's grieving Leorio."

"No, not him," Leorio said, "I'm talking about Gon. I don't understand how a human can still be alive. Sure, he's in coma-like state but his heartbeat is just fine. Along with the bleeding, it suddenly stopped yesterday. If a human had lost that much blood they would be dead by now. Plus it was a Ben's Knife, made to kill a God. A God, Kurapika."

Kurapika hummed, "Huh... I guess you are right... Wait, so how the hell is he still alive!?"

Leorio shrugged, "That's what I'm trying to figure out."

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