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Gon greeted Kurapika and Leorio who sat at the table, "Good morning!"

Kurapika looked up, "Good morning Gon."

Leorio yawned, "Morning."

As Gon ate he looked up at Kurapika who was staring at him, "Is there something wrong?"

Kurapika quickly shook his head, "No, I just thought I was seeing things."

"Alright!" Gon smiled continuing to eat

Kurapika did in fact see something. It was a dark aura surrounding Gon. Unlike the happy expression on Gon's face, the aura around him was quite menacing. But it was only there for a second quickly disappearing once he blinked. Kurapika had no idea what it was his first thought was a spirit that perhaps attached itself to Gon. If it really was a spirit it would need to be dealt with properly, yet Kurapika sensed no spirits in the room. Not only that but he caught Killua staring too. Kurapika decided he would ask Killua later, as of now he would keep an eye on Gon.


"Come on Killua!" Gon giggled running ahead

"Gon! Don't run you'll get lost!" Killua shouted

Before Killua could chase after him Kurapika grabbed him, "Killua I need to talk to you."

Killua turned to Kurapika, "Hm?"

"You saw it too right?" Kurapika said, "Whatever was around Gon at the table earlier."

Killua paused, he was deciding whether or not he should be honest, "No. Why? Was there something there?"

Kurapika quickly brushed it off, "Nevermind, I probably was seeing things."

"Oh, alright."

Killua quickly ran after Gon. Killua just like Kurapika did see the aura surrounding Gon. The reason for his lie was that he wanted to deny what was happening. Although Killua didn't know what was going on he didn't have a good feeling about it. Something bad was going to happen he just knew it. To be honest, Killlua was scared. He didn't want to lose Gon, he didn't want anything bad to happen.


Killua snapped out of his thought as he turned to Gon, "Yes? Did you need something?"

Go placed a hand on Killua's cheek, "You looked unwell. Are you ok?"

Killua smiled putting his hand on top of Gon's, "Yeah I'm alright."

Gon frowned slightly, "You know you can tell me anything Killua. I promise I won't judge."

Killua chuckled, "Trust me I'm fine."

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me, but I guess I should tell you something. Lately, I've been having weird dreams, this time they aren't memories like last time. They aren't exactly nightmares either. Last night I saw two people fighting... I tried to stop them, but...," Gon confessed before stopping abruptly

Killua removed Gon's hand from his face and held it, "I guess I can tell you too then. I'm scared. I don't know what's happening to you, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose you again."

Gon squeezed his hand and met his gaze, "Well, I don't know what's happening to me either. But I know one thing for sure, I won't leave you alone ever again."

Killua smiled, "I love you."

Gon giggled kissing Killua's forehead, "I love you too."

Killua blushed to form a small grin he couldn't hold in. Gon couldn't help but grin at the cute reaction, "I'll stay with you no matter what, alright Killua? I promised didn't I?"

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