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Slightly opening his eyes Gon groaned. His vision was blurry as he peered up. Looking up Gon saw the boy from his dreams carrying him. Gon wanted to say something but was too tired so he began to close his eyes again. The boy carrying Gon smiled and wiped the raindrops from his face. He then turned his attention to the village people before him.

Bloodlust was wafting through the air making all the villagers fall to their knees. The chief crawled towards the boy, "P-Please! Have mercy on us!"

The young god spoke making the villager's heart stop, "I have let this gone on far enough. Gods are not supposed to interfere with mortal affairs, but this is where I draw the line. How dare you lay a hand on my lover and the many more before him. You all will be punished in the depths of hell."

"W-Wait! Please-!" The chief began to say before he was struck by lightning. As he let out a scream the other villagers did too as they were all struck by lightning.

As their bodies burned the god turned his attention to the sleeping boy, "My love... You're finally back... I've missed you so much..."


Gon groaned as he tried to keep his eyes open. Everything was hurting as Gon struggled to stay awake. He was laying on a soft white mat in a room lit only by a small lamp. A figure that sat on the floor next to him spoke to another in the room, "Do they know?"

"Not that I'm aware," The person replied

"Good," The figure said, "We need to make sure it stays that way. I can't make the same mistake again."

'Mistake? What mistake?' Gon thought. "Got it, but what do we do about him?" The other person asked

The figure turned toward Gon, "For now we see if he remembers. If he goes back to the human realm he's bound to be found out. And I can't have him in any danger, I couldn't forgive myself."

"So what do we do if he does remember?" The other person asked, "How will we explain once he wakes up?"

The figure paused before speaking, "Then I'll explain everything. And once he wakes up... I'll think of something."

The other person let out a long sigh, "Fine, but trust me he's going to be confused." Gon struggled to hear the rest of the conversation. Slowly he began to feel sleepy again and fell asleep.


Gon yawned as he opened his eyes. Looking around Gon noticed he was in a Japanese-style room on top of a soft white mat. Sitting up the door slid open revealing a dark-skinned girl.

The girl introduced herself, "Hello, I am Canary. Master is waiting for you." But before Gon could answer any questions Canary spoke, "All your questions will be answered shortly. There is a change of clothes next to you."

Before Gon could say anything Canary closed the door. Gon got out of the mat and walked over to the window. Looking out Gon was in awe. He was a grand Japanese mansion. And outside his window was a beautiful garden with flourishing vegetation.

"Where am I...?" Gon said putting his palm against the window

After a minute Gon looked back at the mat and the change of clothes. Once he was done dressing Gon looked into a mirror in the room. He was wearing a silk sage green yukata with elegant leaf patterns. Gon shrugged as he approached the door. Before he could open the door Canary opened it.

Gon jumped back as she apologized, "My apologizes if I scared you."

Gon shook his head, "No, no. It's alright I was just surprised."

"Oh," Canary said, "Well then, please follow me to the dining hall."

As Gon followed Canary he was in awe of how extravagant the place looked. The place was well built as everything was made of wood. As they passed a few people, they bowed. Gon was surprised. Not only by their polite hospitality but also by their strange appearances. Some of the people they passed had horns or wings along with animalistic features. Gon decided not to question it yet till he got to the dining hall.

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