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Finally, the sun had set, with a full moon taking its place. Bright shining stars illuminated the sky, making it quite a magnificent sight. Both Killua'a and Gon's hands were intertwined with each other. Not far from them were Kurpika and Leorio, where Leorio had his arms wrapped around Kurpaika. And somewhere else sat Illumi and Hisoka. Truly on this very night, love was in the air. Soon a firework was launched into the air, sparkling a bright red. Gon for a second was caught off guard by the loud explosion quickly grasping Killua's hand tightly. But following that was an array of white and green. Gon was truly amazed he had ever seen a firework and it showed. His eyes shined with fascination. Killua turned to Gon, a smile on his face forming. Soon after a minute, another was launched into the sky showing bright yellow swirls. Gon was in awe, his grip on Killua's hand easing.

Throughout the whole show, Killua did not once take his eyes off Gon. As the finale began much bigger fireworks started to light up the sky. As a final firework exploded Gon turned to KIllua. Without hesitation, Killua leaned down and kissed Gon. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, almost feathery. Gon was caught off guard for a second looking up at Killua's face that was illuminated by the explosion. Gon's heart imminently skipped a beat as he peered into Killua's eyes. Killua had a small smile on his face that caused Gon's own smile. Soon everything returned to darkness as the show ended.


As they started to return to the hotel, Killua was carrying Gon on his back. Gon laid his head on Killua's shoulder, "I had a lot of fun today. Thank you for everything."

Shaking his head Killlua told Gon, "I should be saying that. You don't understand how happy you make me."

Gon decided not to say anything, feeling a bit tired. He closed his eyes, feeling each step Killua took. But suddenly Killua stopped and Gon felt the tenseness of Killua. Opening his eyes Gon saw Hisoka and Illumi in front of them. Looking back at Killua his face was scowling. But looking back at the two Gon saw the eyes of Illumi. Gon noticed something, unlike the last time he met Illumi which was before he died, Illumi's eyes were ice-cold, an endless void of sadness. This time Illumi's eyes had a shimmer under them. Gon then looked at Hisoka who seemed very happy.

"Illumi," Killua grumbled

"Killua," Illumi dully stated. His eyes drifted to Gon, suddenly his eyes widened, Killua's lover really did reincarnate... Illumi squinted his eyes and saw almost a shadow behind him, but as he blinked it disappeared.

Hisoka turned to Illumi, "Come on, let us go love"

Killua scoffed, "Love? Illumi, don't tell me you're getting back with this prick." Hisoka frowned, while Illumi stayed silent looking away. Killua scowled at Hisoka before turning back to Illumi, "If you get hurt again, it's not my problem."

Illumi finally looked at Killua, "Mother wants you home."

"I'm not going," Killua retorted, behind his dark glare was a beast ready to pounce

"She also wants him," Illumi raised a hand pointing to Gon

Killua imminently tensed up, "Touch him and I'll kill you all."

"I don't understand why you keep him so close to your heart. He's going to die either way," Illumi blatantly stated, "He's a human Killua. Stop this nonsense and come home."

"Shut up will you!" Killua shouted tightening his grip on Gon, "All of you are stupid!"

Gon's heart ached, "Killua..."

But before Gon could say anything two mysterious figures appeared before the two, "Hello Master Illumi and Master Killua."

Killua's pupils dilated, "Shit. Gon we have to go."

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