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Gon suddenly woke up to a ray of sunlight. And immediately he looked around for the cat. There he saw the cat still curled up next to him. A feeling of relief and happiness shot through him. He was happy the cat still stayed. Sitting up Gon stretched and yawned. The cat stirred and opened its eyes. Gon petted its head, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

The cat stretched and arched its back before looking up at Gon and letting out a meow. Gon stood up and looked at the doorway, "Huh?" The door was suddenly fixed and Gon walked up to it, "Wasn't this broken yesterday?" Opening it, it slid open with no problem, "Well, that's weird..."

Gon stepped outside breathing in the fresh air, "It's so nice today..." The cat flowed Gon outside and purred while rubbing against Gon's leg. Gon giggled and picked it up. Rubbing his nose against the cat's Gon smiled. The cat just looked at Gon with its wide blue eyes. Gon put the cat down and huffed, "Ok! Tomorrow is market day, so we have to gather as many flowers as we can!"

Gon grabbed a woven basket that sat in front of f his door, along with a hat. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Gon rushed back inside and grabbed a small box. Gon put it in the basket and looked back down at the cat, he picked the cat up and placed it in his basket too. Gon giggled as the cat sat in there quietly, "I don't think you'd want to walk too much so you can sit in there!"

As Gon began to walk a group of boys suddenly blocked his path. One of the boys snickered, "Would you look here? It's Flower Boy!"

Gon smiled, "Hey guys!"

Gon's expression of happiness caused a frown to show up on the boy's face, "So what are you doing Flower Boy?"

"Oh! I was going to gather flowers for tomorrow!" Gon smiled

The boy scoffed, "It's not like anyone buys them anyways."

Gon slightly frowned, "No that's not true! Some people buy them..."

The boy's attention shifted toward the cat in Gon's basket, "What's that?"

Gon looked to where the boy's eyes followed, "Oh! It's a cat I found!"

"I want it," The boy said grinning

"W-what?" Gon said before he was grabbed from behind and the basket was snatched away from him, "Let me go!"

The boy grabbed the white cat as it hissed. The boy put his hand on the cat's neck and began squeezing. Gon shouted, "No! Stop!"

The cat swiped its paw and three large cuts formed on the boy's face. The boy let go of the cat and began to cry loudly, "I-It scratched me!"

The boys who grabbed Gon from behind let go as they aided to their friend's side. Gon grabbed the cat and his basket and began to run. The boy shouted still holding his bleeding cheek, "He's running away! Get him!"

But Gon was too fast, and before he knew it he reached the river. Hiding behind and tree Gon sat down and began to cry. He picked up the cat with teary eyes and examined it, "Are you alright? I'm sorry..."

The cat meowed as Gon put it down to wipe his tears. The cat meowed loudly and tried to gain Gon's attention. 

But Gon was too busy crying, "T-Their so mean... Bullies..." 

Gon looked down at the cat who was still meowing. The cat noticing Gon looking at it rolled over on its back. Gon giggled with tears still falling and petted its stomach.

Gon sighed, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." the cat rolled back and purred as Gon continued to pet it. 

Gon sniffed and the cat stopped. The cat crawled onto Gon's lap and stood up and licked the tear away. 

Gon laughed, "That tickles!" 

The cat licked away all the tears still Gon was on the floor laughing. Gon lifted the cat up and it stared down at him. Gon grinned widely and suddenly his tears had ceased.


For the rest of the day, Gon picked a few flowers and placed them in his basket. And by the end of it, it was filled with a beautiful array of different flowers. Gon looked around for the cat, it popped out of a bush carrying a beautiful blue flower in its mouth. It dropped it on the floor and meowed.

"Woah!" Gon exclaimed, "Wow! Where did you even find this? It's so pretty! It was a Himalayan Blue Poppy! I never saw one of these before!" Gon petted the cat, "Good job!"

The cat purred happily as Gon stood up, "Let's get going then!"


Once they arrived back at Gon's house it was already dark. But nevertheless, Gon began to make flower bouquets for the market tomorrow. Gon decided that the blue flower the cat found would use as his centerpiece and placed it in its own pot. The cat sat laid down on Gon's lap watching everything Gon did. Gon had already made five and he was growing tired. He had just enough for one more but his eyes were drooping down. Gon yawned and tried to stay awake but he just couldn't and before he knew it he was asleep. The cat crawled out of his lap and meowed to see if Gon was awake.

After no response, the cat glowed and changed into a boy. The boy took the remaining flowers and repeated the steps Gon did. And finally, once he was done he took the blue poppy and placed it right in the middle. The boy stood up and began walking towards the door. He stopped and looked back at Gon for a minute before walking out and disappearing into the night.


Gon yawned and looked around. He saw the magnificent bouquet with the blue poppy in the center of it. He was in awe but snapped out of it as he noticed the cat wasn't there anymore. Gon looked around his house looking in all the corners. He looked outside and called for it, "Cat! Cat! Where are you!?"

As he stepped back inside Gon teared up. He knew this was going to happen but the feeling of loneliness filled him once again. Gon cried and sniffed. Just the feeling of abandonment pained him. Gon sighed and touched the blue poppy softly. A single tear drop fell on the petal as Gon began to wipe his tears and gather everything.

Yet not far in a tree, a boy with white hair frowned. He whispered softly hoping it would comfort the boy and himself, "Please don't cry..."


Killua looked up at where he was sitting and saw the tears falling from Gon's face. Killua panicked and shot up, "Gon!"

Leorio and Kurapika rushed in, "What's wrong!?"

Killua pointed to Gon, "I don't know! He just suddenly started crying!"

Leorio listened to his heart, "Everything is fine. I think it may have to do with his subconscious."

Killua leaned over to Gon and began to wipe his tears that fell, "Please don't cry... I don't know what you're dreaming about or what's happening, but please don't cry... Wake up, please..."

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