[SingtoKrist] Instagram Story

Start from the beginning

fiat_pattadon: mama looks weird when I teased him abt papa earlier

fiat_pattadon: I didn't tell? Sorry, I must forgot then.

phaelynlin: really? Heh. I know it. Mama is jealous 555

phaelynlin: bad nong. Next time tell me. I want to meet mama too.

fiat_pattadon: only mama?

fiat_pattadon: are u sure u can come thou? 555

phaelynlin: eeeee! Fiat! Don't tease me

phaelynlin: of course only mama. U are bad nong. I don't want to see u

fiat_pattadon: eh eh. Sulky are u, phi? 555

phaelynlin: so u not lying right? Mama is jealous, right? Right?

fiat_pattadon: I'm 99% sure.

phaelynlin: 555 where is he now?

fiat_pattadon: Beside me. Drowsing off.

phaelynlin: oh! Take a video!

fiat_pattadon: yes, yes. I want to take revenge too.

phaelynlin: it will be just nice if any of mama's admirers there...

fiat_pattadon: oh ho, phi. I know what in ur mind. Bad sister.

phaelynlin: 555

phaelynlin: I need to do my work again, my boss is glancing at me. Ttyl.

phaelynlin: take care nong, su su for today, see u when I see u.

fiat_pattadon: ok krub, P'Lin too take care. See u.

Fiat glanced again at Krist. He found Krist fallen asleep already. Fiat grinned and opened the story to record and post. He took a video of Krist sleeping. While typing the caption and tagging Krist, he giggled. 'P'Lin is right. It will be just perfect if any of them could post mama's sleeping video. Papa will be livid.' Fiat mused to himself giggling as he posted the story.

His 'parents' no need to say anything, almost everyone that closed with them knew the true nature of the two. They didn't put label – or maybe it's there, the so-called 'phinong' – on themselves but both of them and the closest people knew they held each other very special in their heart. Fiat even remembered one of the pillow talks they – Krist, Singto, Off, Gun, Nammon and himself – had during one of their fanmeeting tours. It maybe came as a joke but Fiat was sure Krist and Singto meant what they said that night.


Fiat wasn't very sure how that they ended up in the room together talking when they supposed to be sleeping but he's not complaining. It's not very often he could spent time like this with his brothers from the company. He will treasure the present moment, it didn't come often.

Gun, Nammon and him were sitting on one of the beds while Krist and Off on another bed. Singto on the other hand sat on the one-seated couch in the room. They were talking about the fanmeeting they finished earlier, everyone is recalling a moment also sharing some laughter. The topic then shifted to something mundane and simple, like what they will do for tomorrow before going back, current favourite thing and whatnot. And the talk continued to a more serious topic as night went deeper. Eventually, they somehow touched a topic about future.

"Say, what's the age you think you should get married?" Nammon suddenly said. He turned to Off. "P'Off?"

"Heh? Why you asked me?" The rest chuckled at Off's response.

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