Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

During a long pause, Niki smiled at Pria. "See, if I weren't on your side, would I hand-feed you like a toddler?"

Not looking up from her computer screen, Pria opened her mouth, silently demanding another forkful.

When Pria's phone buzzed, Niki reached for it, completely comfortable invading her friend's privacy. "It's him!"

Pria stilled.

"He wants to know if you're okay. What should I tell him?"

"That he can go sit on a cactus," Pria deadpanned.

Niki began texting back. After several back-and-forth text messages, Pria looked up suspiciously. "What are you doing? I don't like that look in your eye, Nicoletta Reggio!"

Neither looking up from the phone nor responding, Niki smiled slyly, returning yet another text.

"Niki..." Pria warned.

Niki ignored her again.

Putting her computer to the side, Pria launched herself at her friend. Laughing and squealing, Niki writhed and squirmed, trying to keep hold of the phone in her hand as Pria fought to retrieve it.

"Anyone ever tell you your mother didn't raise you right?" Pria declared, finally grabbing hold of her phone and wrenched it away. "I'm telling Father Alonzo you need some time in the confessional."

Niki giggled and straightened up, resting her back against the couch. "What makes you think I haven't been to confession?"

"The fact that the church is still standing." Pria looked down at her phone.

Donati: Yesterday was a big day for you. Are you holding up okay?

Pria ... uh ... Niki: I'm fine. I thought it over. Maybe you should come over so we can get each other out of our systems the old-fashioned way. (winky face)

Donati: Lol. Hi, Niki. Pria busy?

Niki: She's working. You're stuck with me. And you have a lot of ass-kissing to do, my old friend.

Donati: Back off, Nik.

Niki: What are your intentions toward my better half?

Donati: None of your business.

Niki: Oh Mylanta. You haven't learned a thing, have you? Everything about Pria is my business.

Donati: The day you find a man to put up with your shit, Nik, is the day the seventh seal is broken.

Niki: Maybe, but in the meantime, I want to know what you think you're doing contacting her.

Donati: Tell Pria to call or text when she has a chance. Have a good night, Niki.

Niki: I don't see that happening anytime soon. FYI, I'm working on it. I think you two need to talk.

He hadn't responded to the last. Feeling a bit betrayed by her best friend, Pria sat back in her seat and got to work ignoring Niki, who sat happily on the floor, stuffing her face and watching TV. Meanwhile, Pria had the hardest time trying to concentrate.

Eventually Niki fell asleep and Pria rose to cover her friend with a blanket. Now that her work call was over, Pria felt restless rather than sleepy. She couldn't get herself to relax enough, and so set to cleaning up the mess Niki left in the kitchen. Her thoughts were dominated by Agent Donati. How had he been so convincing? How had he kept a straight face as he wormed his way into her heart and family? What kind of person was the real Brogue Donati?


"Pria, wake up."

She groaned as she rolled over and faced Niki. "Do I have to?"

A sleepy-looking Niki padded over to the bed and climbed in uninvited. Once comfortable under the blanket, she handed Pria her phone. "Guess who's texting at this ungodly hour."

With a yawn and a stretch, Pria reached for the phone. She read the name and then put the phone face down on the comforter to stare at the ceiling.

"Not going to read it?" Niki closed her eyes, ready to go back to sleep.

"No. It's too early to deal with him."

"Agreed." Niki settled more deeply under the covers. "We need sleep and coffee."

Barely a minute later, Niki was completely asleep. Pria tried to follow suit, but a few minutes later, her phone buzzed with a reminder, informing her that she hadn't read her last received text. She put the phone on silent and tapped the screen.

Donati: Waiting on you, brat.

She frowned. Did he get some sort of sick thrill in revisiting the women he'd used?

Pria: Leave me alone, Agent Donati.

Donati: Sorry. I have the day off. I need entertainment.

Pria: What do FBI agents do when they aren't undercover?

Donati: If you really want to know, I can come over. You can ask me anything you want.

Pria: I'm not THAT interested. I think it's best if you stop contacting me.

Donati: I would if that was what you really wanted. I totally would. But that's not what you want.

Pria: Oh? Do tell.

Donati: You sure?

Pria: Go for it.

Donati: You want me to keep contacting you so that you can keep telling me to fuck off. You want me to grovel, and you want the satisfaction of knowing that I'm here in the background, going crazy thinking of you. You want to be a bitch to me so that you can feel like you're punishing me for using and hurting you. You think in time I'll fade away, still longing for you, and that you'll move on with your dignity intact.

Pria bit her lip, hating how the words rang true deep inside her. Maybe there was a part of her that wanted that, the immature part of her. Except, that wasn't all she wanted. She wanted to stop thinking of him, to stop feeling guilty about Sal being in prison because of how she'd brought Agent Donati into their lives. Yes, Sal deserved to be in jail, and yes, she was glad he'd been apprehended, but the little sister inside her wished she hadn't been the catalyst to his arrest.

Pria: You forgot something.

Donati: What's that?

Pria: The fact that none of it matters. You're really good at your job, SA Donati. Pat yourself on the back and leave me alone.

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