Pria frowned; she knew no such thing. She would have remembered him telling her his mother was sick.

"You should go stay with your parents. They'll take care of you while I'm gone."

If she were feeling better, either physically or emotionally, she would have argued with him. His words hurt, but then, his words had been hurting a lot lately. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she asked, "Will you be back in time for Christmas?"

"Nah. Figure while I'm there, I might as well get some family time in. Get dressed. I'll take you to your parents' house on my way to the airport."

"Drew, we're in trouble."

He paused in packing, then rotated his shoulders before grabbing his cologne and tossing it in the bag. "Yeah. I know."


"So, nothing. Get dressed or I'll be late for my flight."

"Would you please talk to me?"

He pulled in a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling before looking at her with blank eyes. "I'll call you when I settle in, okay? In the meantime, let me get you to Mama. She'll get you right as rain in no time."


As Drew settled in to his truck, he refused to look in his rearview mirror. He knew Pria was watching him drive away, and he didn't want the image of her saddened features to distract him or make him change his mind. Heading toward the highway, he headed in the opposite direction of the airport in order to switch vehicles. He drove aimlessly for nearly two hours before changing vehicles again and heading to his destination.

They were already outside waiting for him, but one excited face pulled his attention immediately. Hair so dark a black it shone with blue highlights in the winter sun. Big, heart-melting brown eyes lit with excitement as she bounced, waving at him impatiently to hurry out of his car.

He gave himself a moment to take her in. This girl, this one girl, was his everything. His heart. His reason for breathing. His hope that he could get at least one thing right in life.

He didn't wait another moment. Swinging open his truck door, he held his arms open.

"Daddy!" Drew's face broke into a grin at the sweet sound. His five-year-old daughter broke free from her mother's hand and rushed to him as quickly as her chubby little legs could carry her. He caught her, tossing her into the air before crushing her in a hug. He kissed the top of her head, inhaling her sweet baby scent, and his heart melted into a puddle of warm goo. God, he loved her.

"My daddy!" She patted his cheeks with her tiny hands.

"Damn right I am. How's my little peanut doing?"

"I have a Barbie car!"

"Whoa! No way! Does it go fast?"

Her pigtails swung back and forth with the force of her nod. "Uh-huh. It goes this way." Her arm whipped in one direction. "This way." The same arm whipped in another direction. "And then it goes vrrrroooom! Just like that!" Her arm shot forward, clipping Drew across the cheek.

He laughed as he lifted a cautious hand to lower her arm. "Is that right?"

She babbled about her pink car as he carried her over to her black-haired, blue-eyed mother.

Amber smiled up at the two of them. His eyes went to her belly and he placed a hand on it. "Getting a little big around the middle there, Bamber," he said, using his nickname for her. "You might need to hit the treadmill."

"Bite me," she laughed. Rubbing her child-filled belly, she said, "I worked hard for this one."

Drew waggled his brows, offering her his arm. "Scandalous little hussy."

She slipped her arm through his. "It's good to see you. You've been gone longer than usual. Tell me you're being safe."

"Of course I am."

"Mommy said you can give me ice cream," Lilly piped up. Drew gave Amber a pained look. "Oh, did she?"

Amber smiled sweetly and dangled his keys in front of him. "I even told her she could eat it in your car on the way to Nonna's house."

Pocketing the keys, he glared at her. "Why do you hate me?"

They made their way along the side of the house to where his car was parked. He buckled his daughter into her car seat before opening the door for Amber to get in on the passenger's side. When they pulled out onto the road, Amber dug into the glove compartment and pulled out a stick of gum. She unwrapped it and handed it to him. "How's your mom doing? I haven't spoken to her in a while."

Drew smiled. "She's doing well actually. She and Pop added a new barn for the horses and the farm is doing really well. Both my brothers are coming in tomorrow, and my sister is even getting in tonight."

"That's great! I feel horrible for not keeping in touch with everyone, but whenever you're gone, we all get uncomfortable."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"We're used to it. Will you tell me about it?"

Popping his gum, he shook his head. "I'd rather not."

"I figured," she said softly, and traced a finger over his knuckles. "You've been fighting again."

Drew looked down at his hand. Leave it to Bamber to pick up on something like that. "Only when I have to." He saw her troubled face and gave her a reassuring smile as he thumbed the shell of her ear. "I promise. I'm not being reckless or stupid."

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