"Am I allowed in? I'd like to play with him for a bit."

His voice was deep, and that rumbling quality made her stomach tie itself into a knot. She estimated he was about five years older than her. It was hard to tell since he obviously took good care of himself. She tried to fight off her smile as she imagined her mother swooning over him and cooing, "Ma che bello!"

"Sure," Niki said. She cautiously opened the gate, using her leg to block Mr. Borks from escaping.

Mr. Borks sniffed curiously at the man's feet, wagging his tail, then whined for attention. The man knelt again, showing no fear, perfectly at ease with the breed that caused fear in the hearts of so many. Mr. Borks hopped around excitedly as if he wanted to jump on the newcomer, but settled for yipping and yapping as he ran in circles around the enclosure.

"He's a character." Remaining on his haunches, he watched the dog with amusement. "Is he housebroken?"

"Yes!" Niki broke into friendly chatter, talking up all of Mr. Bork's qualities as she met Pria's gaze with a not-so-subtle eye waggle. "But Pria is the one that works with him the most. She can answer all your questions."

Niki scooped up the Chihuahua and left with a wink.

He rose, giving Pria his full attention. "Tell me more about him?"

Pria cleared her throat, scolding her heart for beating so quickly. "Niki told you all of his qualities, but you should know some of his quirks too. He's a growler. It sounds scary, but he's actually talking to you. He especially growls when he wants luvins. He always wants luvins."

The man chuckled, making Pria teeter on the cliff she couldn't bring herself to back away from. "So he's always growling?"

"Just about." Pria grinned, hoping he would attribute her rosy cheeks to the summer sun. "He's a big baby. I get to take him home with me sometimes. He loves kids and cats and has amazing table manners. Although, he yaps a lot. He seems to have an opinion about everything. Oh, and if he needs to potty, he sits quietly by the door. About the only time he's quiet is when he has to go out, so it's a dead giveaway."

He nodded, his eyes on the dog who had come back to join the party. He was growling. The man didn't show any fear, but he quirked an eyebrow. "What does this growl mean?"

"He wants to play." She pulled a toy rope from her side. The dog jumped around, giving a few yaps as if asking for the rope. "Down," she commanded the dog, who instantly lay flat on his belly, tail wagging, eyes alert. "He's a fantastic listener. Want to try? He'll growl, but he's all play."

He extended his hand and right on cue, the dog growled, tongue flopping out the side of its mouth. Taking the rope, he teased the dog with it, then frowned when the dog didn't move.

Pria laughed. "Like I said, he's a good listener. Since I already gave him the command of down, he won't move until he's given permission. Mr. Borks?" She waited until she had the animal's full attention. "Play!"

The dog lunged for the rope. The man laughed and became engrossed in the game, teasing and tugging along with the dog. She watched as man and dog learned each other, and before she knew it, an hour had passed. Mr. Borks and the stranger had exhausted themselves and now sat quietly on the grass near each other. Mr. Borks panted from exertion with a wagging tail and looked content.

The man stretched his legs out when the dog pawed at it, understanding what the dog was asking for. Mr. Borks laid his big, heavy head in the man's lap, eyes closing when he received scratches behind his ear.

Niki nudged Pria, inclining her head to the man. "Go get his number or I will."

With a laugh, Pria moved forward and crouched down next to the pair, tickling Mr. Borks's exposed paw.

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