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"Let's get out of here," Harry announced urgently.

Hey, but life wasn't that easy, it was sunset when we stepped out of the mansion, the voices of the witch spirit's hollowed out in the air, "we fulfilled our promise, we no longer owe you anything."

I heard Zara mutter, "how kind of them," I was baffled about how to get out of here but I was also happy to finally be with my family.

These crazy people risked their lives to save mine, I was never too proud to call them my family at this moment, how could I ever thank them? They saved my life and it was time I return the favor. Although I was happy to be with them, my heart skipped a painful beat for Avyanna, Zara and mom were pretty sad as well, I wonder if they knew what ensued, even though they might have known, it wouldn't be like I was shown.

"We should go back before midnight," mom warned, stepping out of this mansion will ensure our lives are in danger but we were not given any other option, Zara was however excited about the adventure.

"Let's go," she announced cheerfully, I felt the warmth of Harry next to me, he took my hand in a grasp, a silent promise of never letting go.

I smiled at him, truly I am blessed.

The mansion started to change into the ghost house I'm familiar with, with bloodstained walls and ruined ceilings, the chandeliers were broken in pieces, shards of glasses lay everywhere, the furniture was back to its originality as well. It was a clear indication that the sun has set and it is dangerous for us to step outside but we couldn't reside here forever.

We gathered some courage and together we stepped out of the ruined mansion.

I stared dumbstruck at the fields for the first time in my real life, Avyanna's favorite sunflower region was destroyed, dead, decayed. The dead vines ran wild across the field, the region where there was once life now was the burial ground for many innocent lives, trees, and animals. It was melancholic to feel the death around me, the river was dry, no trace of the fresh mist water that soaked my legs.

The clouds were red and grey, angry at the intruders, as in us. The witch spirits ditched us, so much for being sisters. We are in this on our own. I could feel the stir of the spirit around us, mom and Zara were equally disturbed, Harry however remained conventional.

"The spirits, they want revenge," I announced to them, I could feel the pain, their moans echoed in my ears, it was too loud that I couldn't hear what Zara was uttering.

I clasped my ears shut to the noise, their vengeful screams ached my heart but the fear was constant. They wanted to avenge their deaths. Mothers who suffered the deaths of their beloved children, fathers who grieved for their wife, lovers for their never happening happily ever after, children for their stolen childhood, many and more.

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