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Guys don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT, it only takes a second to click that star button but it motivates me to keep writing, your comments are my second daily caffeine, second! I mean coffee comes first though :)

Guys don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT, it only takes a second to click that star button but it motivates me to keep writing, your comments are my second daily caffeine, second! I mean coffee comes first though :)

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I was shocked beyond belief, he was here, he came for me, wait, maybe he just randomly dropped by but he asked  'how is she,' who is that she! I wondered.

A sudden pang of jealousy coursed through me.

Jealousy is an ugly feeling but in the long turn of events, I've realized that you only feel jealous if you love that person, heart, and soul.

I still love him but have no right to feel jealous, he is no longer mine to feel possessive about, I wanted him to move on, 'isn't that the reason why you moved to a new city' barked my subconscious.

It was true, I want him to move on but seeing him now, his eyes sunken as if he was lacking sleep for a long time, jaw unshaven, his suit rumpled and his hair messy made my heartache, I wanted to reach out, scoop him up in my arms and ask him about his day, tell him that everything will be fine in the end.

But I stayed frozen, my reckless actions would only hurt him more, haven't I hurt him enough so I sucked in my feelings and stood rooted to the ground.

However, Harry looked straight at me, not making any effort to peel his stare off of me, we kept staring at each other for a long while, when Dr. Maya started talking, snapping us out of our daze.

"Hello Mr. Brandon, sorry for disturbing you at your busy time," she said to him.

Harry nodded at her politely, but his concentration flickered back to me.

"She is fine, just a little weak," she continued.

He heaved a sigh of relief to Maya's assurance, still looking at me.

Who were they talking about?

Harry walked towards me without breaking our eye contact, it was like our eyes were having their own silent conversation, pleading and mending together.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me, his voice a bare whisper.


"I'm fine," I mustered out after a minute.

"You should avoid walking alone at night-

"-were you following me?" I challenged, anger rising with each passing second. impossible!

"What am I supposed to do?" He raised his voice in irritation.

"Huh, I'll give you two some privacy," Maya said uncomfortably and spun out of the room.

Now it was only me and him, it was dangerous territory.

"Why are you following me, Harry?" I reiterated, trying to calm myself.

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