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you should have saved me, I shouldn't have been kil

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you should have saved me, I shouldn't have been kil..." She stopped and glanced at the door.

The portrait from my dreams stood tall near the door, but there was no trace of blood, the girl had a wicked smile on her face, I noticed Zara smiling at the portrait, her face back to normal.

"Zara, we need to leave," I whispered at her, she chuckled menacingly.

"You can't leave!" She replied and smiled sadly.

I wondered what she was talking about. She extended her hand as if to shake, the girl from the portrait stepped out of her cage and took Zara's hand, shocking me to death.

They both looked at me with rage clear in their eyes, I felt hopeless standing there, desperately wanting to find out why this was happening to me.

"Why is this happening to me, why am I dreaming this all the time," I asked, my posture-breaking into helpless pleas.

"You are why we are dead, you should have known, you killed us," they spoke together, voices sounding strange and monotonous.

"I don't even know who you are, why are you haunting me?" I sobbed to the girl of the portrait.

Her eyes started to turn red, blood poured from her head, her face wrinkled like an old woman, gashes, and cuts slowly appearing on her skin. I looked at Zara, her face started to turn bloody, reminding me of the accident.

They reached their bloody hands towards me, trying to grab hold of my body, panic settled my senses on alert, two hands pushed me to the floor, I screamed in fear.

"Nooooooooo, don't please," I opened my eyes, it was dark, sweat dripped from my forehead, I switched the lights on, grabbed the bottle of water from my nightstand, and drank it in gulps.

I relaxed on the bed, my heart beating fast from the nightmare, everything felt real, it wasn't as I was experiencing a dream, the pain, the stress was factual, it wasn't a dream, I can sense it, every word and every moment.

The pain that Zara's accusation caused was painful than the haunting dream, I tried to save her, my eyes swelled up at the reminder, what I went through wasn't anything I would do deliberately.

I looked around the new room, the new house that I call my home, the reason why I shifted, more like it as I ran away from my childhood house and the person I call home was to start afresh but guess somethings never change.

After hours of bombarding myself with questions over the question, I tried to sleep, with no luck on my sleeping schedule I stood from the bed and decided to go for a midnight walk.

I dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple black hoodie, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and walked out of the house with my phone and wallet.

I dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple black hoodie, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and walked out of the house with my phone and wallet

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