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"...Since the revelation, I felt better. I tried to use my foreseeing more profitably, when I encountered a dreaded vision I told the respective person about it to make it come to fruition and when I experience a good outcome, I kept my mouth sealed," I continued, Maya shook her head.

"So it's a good thing, right? You have the chance to save lives, which is good," she started but I shook my head in disagreement and continued my part of the story.

"Yes, when I tell them about it, it doesn't come to fruition but however most of the visions I experience are mixed with the good and the bad both, when I reveal them a part of it, it ends in the most crucial way possible, more doom then I foresaw-"

"Have you ever experienced something like that before?" She cut in.

I gulped hard, the memories of guilt flooding in my system.

"Talking is the first step Aini, you can do it," Maya encouraged me.

"I once foresaw my best friend getting hit by a car and a stranger rushing to save her, she was fine in the hospital and in a healthy relationship with the stranger, it seemed like she caught some feelings to him." I laid out and continued, "When she asked what I saw, I told her about the accident but kept the whole stranger deal a secret to make it happen, I said she will be more than happy."

Maya looked into my eyes as if she knew what happened, she was trying not to express the pity that was filling in her eyes. She took my hand in hers, a sweet gesture, and somewhere inside of me I knew I needed it.

"She met with the accident but she didn't make it, the stranger didn't show up, I and my ex-boyfriend took her to the hospital but the doctors couldn't s-save her... Th-there was so much blood lost by the time we made it to the hospital," I stuttered throughout my narration.

"We couldn't save her, it was my fault that she was gone," by the end of my memory lane I was crying, whimpering a sob, I didn't care much about what the doctor will think, I lost my friend and I deserved to break down when I felt like it.

"What were your exact words?" She pestered, her face contorted in horror.

I blinked hard in confusion, wondering what was my exact words, the memories of my best friend's happy face clouded my sight, her cheerful laughter when she knew she would be alright rushed in.

She believed me completely, she calculated everything I said was right, it has been right most of the time.

The heavy meaning of the words I confessed to my friend swam out from my memory, creating a whirlpool of emotions within me.

I saw you are getting saved by an accident!

I saw you are getting saved by an accident!

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