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VOTE and COMMENT, it helps me to keep writing and that's the only way I know what you guys are thinking about the story and its plot.

VOTE and COMMENT, it helps me to keep writing and that's the only way I know what you guys are thinking about the story and its plot

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"I can get you back?"

"No A, I'm dead, you need to accept that" she replied, crushing my hopes in simple words.

"But listen to me before she is here" she continued, the urgency in her voice scared me, Zara has always been the 'chill' girl, she maintained her cool in every situation.

"You need to find the reasons for your dreams, they are a significant part of your past li-" she laid out.

"-But how? I'm trying so hard to find about the..." I cut in.

A thunderous boom echoed through the dark hallways, reaping closer every passing second. Zara lifted my cheeks and forced me to look at her in the eyes and continued,

"Every question leads to another question, only when the strongest you are, you may find the answers-" she chanted the words as reading a line from the book.

"-What do you mean by that?" I cut in the midway of her chant.

"Will you please stop doing that?" She scowled.

"Doing what?-"

"-butting in when I'm talking?" She raised her sculpted eyebrows in annoyance. She knew she had me there.

"Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut," I pouted, did a zipping of my lips gesture, and stayed quiet.

Zara looked at me for a moment, sighed, and continued, "search for the meaning of your dreams A, that's the only way you can find a solution to your visions."

"What solution? What's the use of finding anything if I can't get you back?" I complained, I was baffled, hurt and broken.

Mostly, I'm angry, angry at Zara for not trying to redeem herself, she wanted to end my visions? What was she even talking about?

"Aini, I'm always with you-"

"-Then why can I only see you in my dreams?"

"That's because you are not acknowledging me. You should let me in A, that's the only way," she pressed, staring in the direction of the door.

"How do I do that?" I questioned.

Her attention was caught between the blinding light pouring through the opened door and me, I wondered what she was looking at, most importantly why she was in a rush?

"Zara, what's the stampede about?" That caught her attention.

"Listen, I'm dead! The sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you can see me in reality, I'm helpless when you are weak, please stay strong and most importantly search for the reasons for your dream, don't get scared of anything that's happening in your dream-

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