Avyanna, 1863

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Dedicated to - ashfia67 (I'm sorry for taking so long to start the book 2)

Dedicated to - ashfia67 (I'm sorry for taking so long to start the book 2)

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Avyanna, March 1, 1863.

The mansion shone bright, the massive estate with wheat plants glimmered in a golden hue, sun-kissed by the summer daylight, the splendid view surrounded acres of possession, dominating the rest of other inhabitants' houses.

Amidst the peaceful breeze and serene evening echoed a mourn from the inside, painful grunts, and the sound of whimpering heeded it.

I ignored the noise and started sipping my tea, sitting in the middle of the sunflower region lawn, relishing the beauty of the flowers and plants that grew around the mansion I live in.

Once I was done and the tray was taken away by the maids, I sat there, basking at the grandeur of the sunset and dark slowly covering the brine blue. Venus making her disappointed exit as the moon seizes her place completely.

The wailing of the feminine voice ended and I knew her tormentor was gone, left to dominate another prey out of his own dormitory.

After a few more minutes of peaceful solitude, I sauntered inside the mansion through the huge steel doors that led to my prison.

The poor maid stayed at the foot of the large bed, silently sobbing at what she committed to. She was a young maiden when she walked into this estate seeking jobs with her father, her doe eyes huge in enchantment with the outer endure of the property, with no notion of the penitentiary that would soon become her home.

She hoisted her face in my arrival, upon realization, she hastily stood up, adjusted her attire, and spoke in a small voice, "may I get anything for you lady Winston?"

I raised my hands, she immediately retracted backward in fear. I brought my hands to her cheek and wiped the stranded tears from her face, tears streamed down her sunken eyes in my kindness, pity coated in my heart.

"You fell in love with my husband," I asserted, shock and shame veiled her face. I proceeded, "you are only a mistress for him, among the hundreds."

Listening to my murmurs, she cried further, confirming her feelings towards my lord and her tormentor.

"I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't realize when that happened-

"-it happened when you agreed to be his mistress behind my back, what did you expect? That he will love you?" I inquired, agitated but I also sympathize with the poor girl.

"I sincerely apologize my lady, I deserve it. You have been so kind towards me and I stabbed you in the back, I am a fool, my lady, a complete fool" she cried out, momentarily falling on her knees, outbalanced.

"Aren't we all? the romantic fools, falling for the demon? What does the devil knows, except to torture and to torment?" She muffled out a sob, I crouched on my knees next to her, patted her cheeks, and continued, "Oh dear, and we wonder why they don't love- leave alone, at least treat us right."

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