13. Avyanna, 1863

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Avyanna, March 17, 1863, part 2

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Avyanna, March 17, 1863, part 2.

Infidelity was a common etiquette among the rich, that was one of the reasons why I asked my parents to not marry me to a wealthy suitor, but I was rather sold to my lord for trade purposes, both our parents married us so that they can run large trading merchandise together, merging their business for more profit, our marriage was part of an establishment, the building brick to their wealth.

Not only was I, many of the young maids were married similarly, the reasons may vary but the outcome of each of the young, poor maidens broken hopes were the same, some were married young to a rich old man for poverty, for they acquired his wealth after his death, but until then, their lives were living hell, some were sold as a slave in the name of marriage for unrepayable debt, for rape after marriage is considered a rightful act by law if the bride agrees to it or not, some were patronaged by two wealthy families for the enhancement of large empire, like me.

No matter what the reason is, all of us suffered. Our pains were the same, there were very few who were satisfied at the fates play but many like me endured torment every minute.

"I'm sorry Avy," I heard Viv say in a hushed tone, taking my hand in hers, the small touch stirred the emotions that I successfully controlled for the tears now streamed free.

"Let us go to your room Avy," she pulled me to towards my bed-chamber.

As soon as we entered solitude, I let my tears fall free. I sobbed hard at the memory of the day. Vivienne hugged me, running her hands soothingly on my hair. It was my birthday, why should this happen today? I only hoped for the love of my husband, for a devoted relationship, was it too much to ask for?

"I've spoken to a few of the couples who boast about their happy married life, how their spouses cherish their moments, I wished for a life like that. was it too much to ask Viv?" I vent out my longings while crying.

"No Avy, it's not too much to ask for," she replied soothingly.

"Then why is this happening Viv?"

"Because sometimes my lady, only sometimes our wishes depends on the person who we were wishing for. Your husband is a monster by heart, he's manipulative, wicked, and loves only himself," she laid out, sighing sadly.

Vivienne settled me on the bed, she sat next to me and patted her lap, I laid my head on her lap and she started to take the knots out of my messed hair from the crying. I felt so much better with her by my side. I was relieved that finally, I have someone who genuinely cares about me, loves me like a sister, and listens to me when I vent without collecting artifacts to gossip with other maids.

"I just want all of this to end Viv."

"About that Avy, I actually have a solution," she said hesitantly, giggling to waver the effect of her solution, I looked at her face, uncertainty visible through unstable features, but I was interested in listening to what she has to say, I could tell it wasn't going to be nice though.

"I would do anything to escape this hell, but if you are going to advise me to run away from the castle, just know that there are guards who scan about my whereabouts every second, not one Viv, there were a lot of guards."

"I will not ask you to run away Avy, you will not survive alone," she huffed dramatically.

"I'm offended, young lady!" I feigned hurt, she was right, I don't know anything about the outside world except for the few rich families, but nothing about the lives of the poor.

"You know I'm right my lady," she raised her eyebrows at me and I offered her a smile appreciatively.

"Well then, what was your solution?"

"There was a rumour spreading in the town about a lady who sells powders and creams, but the products not only beautify our appearance, they are also created to stop the abuse of a husband."

"So what you mean is to apply those beauty essentials and seduce my husband to do my bidding? It wasn't a bad idea Viv, but my lord doesn't fall for those, he is cruel by heart," I declined her, it could work but I couldn't do that to myself, I couldn't afford to sell my body to the devil willingly for him to molest.

"No my naive Avy, you don't need beauty creams to look stunning, you are a natural beauty, my lady, the women in the town envy you, the men's would do anything to spend some time with you, isn't that the reason why Mr. Winston married you? To claim the most beautiful lady for himself?" She asked ruthlessly, I wondered why she was kindling my humiliative feelings for I felt extremely humiliated at the life I was living and sad at how my husband treated me.

"What that really means is my lady, the cosmetics were also created to stop the harassment, all you have to do is mix a small amount of the cosmetic in the food for the abusive spouses to consume each day, that was all," she concluded with a smile.

"Is it a magical portion to change the hearts of the abusive spouses?" I asked her skeptically.

"Remotely, it changes the system in a human body, slow-processing but effective, the first dose would produce cold, flu-like symptoms and by the third dose, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, burning sensations in the digestive system and other minor symptoms will be produced, giving enough time for the abusive spouse to write their will and apologize for their misdeeds, it also allows the victim to prepare for their death, by the fourth dose they would be dead, without any trace," she listed and waited for the reply.

I abruptly sat upright, the weight of her speech drowning in, she wanted me to kill my husband, how could she, although I knew she was saying this to save me, however angry Avyanna was more powerful than the rational Avyanna who contemplated over what's right and wrong.

"Get out Vivienne, I was wrong to be friends with a maid," I spit venom at her, even though I should not talk to her this way, my heart knew what I'm saying was utter madness, she was the best friend I've ever had and I would do anything to save her if she is going through something similar but my mind pondered over what would happen if I get caught in the act, murdering my own husband, my lord! I'm not like that, I couldn't hurt anyone like that.

"Get out you, young girl”

"Get out you, young girl”

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