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~Unedited~ dedicated to ashfia67

~Unedited~ dedicated to ashfia67

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Zara's POV

The moment I stepped out of this stupid hospital that's probably killing more humans than saving them, I saw the girl from Aini's portrait dream standing near the gates and beckoning Aini to walk to her, like the curious cat she always was, she refrained Harry's hands and strutted straight into the trap.

I heard the devil incarnate chime in her gaggingly sweet voice, "hello Aini, we finally meet," and all I wanted to do was smack the regal wicked smile away from her face.

She reached her perfectly manicured hands to Aini's shoulder and I wondered why was Aini allowing the devil to touch her? And the moment the girl touched A, she fell, she fell limply to the ground, if Harry didn't catch her at the right moment, she would have hurt her head from the impact and the girl disappeared.

I slumped down next to the unconscious A, I touched her body in panic and noticed that her heart beat was steady, I tapped her cheeks in instinct, yelling at her to speak something, "hey dumbjack brain, you shouldn't have let the monster touch you, now wake up A!" But it went on deaf ears.

I lifted her hand and rubbed hard, trying to create some heat into her body, her body was turning dangerously cold.

"Ze, you're here, aren't you? Do something to Aini Ze, save her please" Harry muffled next to me, he was struggling with Aini similarly.

I attempted to tap her cheek and vigorously screaming in her ears, Aini's body started to fade into the background and disappeared from our sight altogether.

I searched for her, Harry panicked next to me, instantly going from pathetic to desperate, it was pretty cruel for the fates to snatch back his love when he just got her back.

But fate was cruel, agreed!

I feared the evil that took Aini, I knew her, she was worse than the satan himself, she possessed magic, wicked, black magic. Her powers work like a charm, alluring the prey with easy endurance.

I remember the time I was trapped miserably at the mercy of the wicked witch and Aini saved me, now I wanted to save Aini. I came to this place in hopes of finding out what my supposed lover has in store for my death but the instant I heard him talking to the chief doctor, it was more than the psychotic little plans.

The conspiracy was beyond our imagination, I wanted to tell it to Harry but he wasn't gifted to speaking with the dead.

We stayed there for a long time, Harry desperately trying to reach Aini's phone, huffing and grunting every time he hears the monotonous voicemail memo. I came to the realization a long time back, Aini is well but she has to fight the wicked witch alone.

A mechanism of strange power revolved around the dead, the portrait girls was strongest and oldest of magics but im gifted with a few too, using the leverage, I tried to search for any trace of Aini, a strange picture of the ruined mansion stood straight in my vision but I wasn't able to see anything more than it, a source blocking my abilities.

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